Lionsgate Might Buy ‘Cabin In The Woods’ off MGM for distribution

The voices have been heard. Either that, or the hype for Thor has reached a point where studios are willing to make an offer for ‘Cabin In The Woods’, which features Chris Hensworth. At least Lionsgate is making a bid to take the finished film off MGM’s hands. From the good folks over at Cinemablend:

Completely finished, the only reason why the movie hasn’t been released is because MGM went bankrupt and couldn’t afford to release it. Well, if Cabin in the Woods stays on the shelf any longer you won’t be able to kick the puppy that is MGM anymore – it’s Lionsgate’s movie now.

Deadline reports that the two studios are now working out a distribution deal that could finally get the film released in theaters (though there is still no set date).

It’s also expected that a studio might have interest in the Red Dawn remake as well, another finished film that has been collecting dust in MGM’s shelves, but I think MGM might hold on to that one, seeing how they recently tweaked it. Lionsgate I can see picking up Cabin- and since Saw is nomore (for the moment), if the deal goes through, I expect Cabin’s release to hit around next Halloween.

But that’s me being an optimist.

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