This is interesting. You may know that we were told Prometheus was NOT an alien prequel, but a stand alone title with ‘strands of aliens DNA’, right? Well, news is circulating now that the H.R. Giger designed xenomorphs ARE in fact in the film! Not only that, they’re INTEGRAL to the plot. This is, of course, unconfirmed, but it comes from a fairly reputable source, Sky (The biggest pay TV service in the UK and Ireland). Heres all they had to say:
They’ve built the ‘space jockey’ cockpit at Pinewood as seen in the original Alien film, so it definitely takes place in the same world as Alien”, they told us. “Despite that press release that seemed to indicate there were no aliens in the movie, the familiar HR Giger-style aliens do appear. Big ones apparently.”And as for Scott’s comments noting that “keen fans will recognise strands of Alien’s DNA”?
It turns out there was the slightest hint of misdirection – apparently the actual DNA of the xenomorphs is integral to the plot – and will see the cast jet off to the alien homeworld itself.
“Part of the film will be shot in Morocco. I’ve heard that some sort of archaeological dig where they discover alien DNA takes place there and that DNA gives them the coordinates for an alien world. I’ve also heard Morocco is being used for alien planet landscapes so I’m not sure if it’s an archaeological dig on another planet,” they revealed.
It gets weirder too, with Damon Lindelof’s script set to crank up the sci-fi angle to maximum effect.
“The main spaceship in the film will be piloted by an enormous head which I assume will be CGI. Yep, sounds weird but I assume some of the technology will be sort of biomechanical.”
This is huge! If this is true, it will have fanboys (and girls) salivating. I would have said someone just saw an early draft of the script and got confused, but they did say that they built the space jockey set… thats iconic and obviously inside the Alienverse. I’m torn now, originaly I was thrilled Prometheus was stand alone, but weirdly this news (if true) excites the HELL outta me. I think its when they said it’d have big xenomorphs.
We’ll see what happens, and as soon as these rumours are confirmed, denied, or ignored by the studio, we’ll tell you!
So, what do you make of these developments?