Better Look at Megatron Toy from Transformers Dark of the Moon

So after we got to see some comparison shots of Megatron the toy and Megatron the Truck on the set of Transformers Dark of the Moon, we find out the above toy was transformed incorrectly.

But after seeing the toy packaging, it’s pretty clear that the above transformed image of Megs had the tarp over the wrong part of the bot.

The toy packaging also shows off some of the new “Mechtech” toy gimmick, but I do like that the tank portion becomes a big cannon on his forearm, something that has to remain part of Megatron. I also wonder if his sudden decision to go incognito will end up having to do with the Decpticons rejecting him as their leader? Will Starscream take over?

The part that has me curious is that they seem to be carrying out some consistency having the tarp cover up his messed up arm and half his bashed in face from the previous film… but if he can change his entire form from alien rocket tank thing to a roughed up industrial truck… why is his arm and face still mashed?


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4 thoughts on “Better Look at Megatron Toy from Transformers Dark of the Moon

  1. I love Transformers, I watched the 80’s cartoons, read the comics and i love the original movie.With that said, I’m realistic to the constraints of the movie making and go in open minded..

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