Eric Bana to star in new Spy Thriller Franchise?

There seems to be a wave of espionage thrillers coming our way to get us over the limbo purgatory that is Bond, and one that is in development is Andy McNab’s Nick Stone, the star of that author’s lineup of Spy novels.

And it seems that Eric Bana is rumoured to be their pick for Stone.

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Hyde Park Entertainment likes Eric Bana for the role of the former British Special Air Force soldier who becomes an intelligence worker in McNab’s 12-novel series. One of those books, called Firewall, is the basis for Echelon, presumably the first film in the Nick Stone series.
In the book, Stone tries to prevent terrorists from hacking the world’s largest computer database. He’s on the run all over Europe, apparently, and the story involves the Russian crime syndicate.

I like Eric Bana in just about anything, especially when he gets the chance to kick a little ass.

In the role of a superspy, he might get a little of his own James Bond franchise with this character. Bana was rumoured to be on the shortlist before Daniel Craig took the role for Casino Royale, so this seems like a good fit.

And is it just me, or does this guy look like a hotter cooler version of Corey Feldman?

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