Aaron Johnson Is Cyclops In X-Men: First Class?

Ok. So we’ve got a pretty good director in Matthew Vaughn (Kick-Ass). And he wants to tackle the story of the X-Men’s first ever class. Cool, but who’s gonna take part? For now we’ve got Magneto (Michael Fassbender), check. We’ve got Charles Xavier (James McAvoy), check. We’ve got Emma Frost (Alive Eve), check. Apparently, we can now add someone to the already pretty good roster: Cyclops.

CinemaBlend states:

AICN has received a tip from a source referring to himself as “Son of Rothman” saying that Johnson will play Scott Summers, better known as Cyclops, in the upcoming Fox film. The source claims that the news is “one hundred percent locked at this point,” and it has been known for a while that Vaughn was planning on recasting the role, not using Tim Pocock who played the part in X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

I have no problem with this. Johnson was pretty good in the lead role in Kick-Ass. Although I thought his character was the least interesting of the story, he did ok. So what about him as Cyclops? I can see him doing it, he has the perfect age for the role right now. Plus, add that Vaughn already directed him once. So it’s all good. The rosters is shaping up to be a pretty good one.

Question: Do you think Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) does an appearance? I mean, he should be in his Jackman form already for the timeline of this film right? What do you guys think?

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7 thoughts on “Aaron Johnson Is Cyclops In X-Men: First Class?

  1. Honestly I liked Tim Pocock as Cyclops. I thought he did well for the few short scenes in Wolverine. But I also like Aaron Johnson, he’s a good actor. I just… I dunno, I’m not sure if he’d be a good Cyclops. There’s just something about him. I guess we’ll have to wait and see.

  2. It’s possible Logan/Wolverine would get a passing reference, but I don’t want a cameo from Wolverine. Now, if Liev Schreiber cameoed as Sabretooth/Victor Creed, or Taylor Kitsch as Gambit, that’s something else.

    What is more interesting is that one rumor of a cameo of a different kind…could anyone confirm that Willow (from X-Men 2099) shows up in First Class somewhere in the ranks?

  3. Johnson was great in Kick-Ass and he could bring some life to ever boring Cyclops character. As for Wolverine, I think a cameo would suffice but if had a bigger part then it would just be a regular X-Men movie. Don’t get me wrong Wolverine is the shit and my favorite Marvel character I just think it wouldn’t do well for this specific storyline.

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