Nolan wants to Direct Bond

Looks like Nolan is ready to move on, and a hint at a potential direction for what might be on his plate. And if he has his way (which he tends to lately) it will be a Bond film.

ScreenJunkies says:

“I’ve loved the Bond films since I was a kid. For me, they’re always about the expansiveness of cinema. The first Bond films set up infinite possibilities about the world they create. I’d love to do a Bond film.”

This could have good timing for the unapproachable director. With Batman 3 on his plate and Bond sorting out its next chapter, he could line himself up for Bond 24.

That is if Bond 23 gets itself back on track in time.

I could see Nolan doing a Bond film. I think with the tone of Inception (with less surreal dreamscapey stuff), and the action of Batman he would be a good fit.

I can see this happening.

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13 thoughts on “Nolan wants to Direct Bond

  1. Wouldn’t it also be cool if Christian Bale or Sam Worthington came on as the new Bond? Even though Daniel Craig has been a damn good Bond.

  2. This was taken out of context a little bit. From the original story, he’s talking mainly about how the Bond films influenced Inception. Only having this little excerpt makes it seem like it was a spontaneous remark, and that he wants to direct one. The way I think it should be taken is the same way that I would love to make a fourth mighty ducks movie, just because they were a seminal part of childhood, although I never actually would.

    I can’t see him actually directing a Bond film. He fell in love with the series of his childhood, not the watered down films we’ve seen in the past 20 years. The series is now the battered carcass tied to the back of the vehicle known as EON films.

  3. Nolan directing a Bond film wouldn’t get me excited again. IMO, he hasn’t done anything good (not counting Inception) outside of BB and TDK. The Bond franchise itself has become stale, and needs to just die off.

    1. Gotta disagree with you. Memento, The Prestige, and Insomnia are good films. Insomnia was ok and definitely the bottom of the list but Memento and The Prestige are both very good films. Casino Royale was a very good Bond film which I like better then the last three Pierce Bronson films (Goldeneye is great). Quantam of Solace was decent but could have been better I think any Bond fan could recognize that. Overall, the franchise is still going strong.

  4. This would be great for the Bond movie! Nolan is one of my favourite directors, probably like a lot of people on this blog.

    Like to see this happen!


  5. I think he could do a good job as well, so long as he doesn’t try to re-boot the series again. And I hope he finds a way to bring back all the bond elements that have been missing in the last two flicks… Namely Q.

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