Selleck Confirms Three Men and a Bride in the Works

Three Men and a Baby, followed by Three Men and a Little Lady were both heartwarming and fun films. Now 20 years later we are teased with the premise of a third in the franchise that would return Ted Danson, Steve Guttenberg and Tom Selleck to the big screen in a film potentially called Three Men and a Bride.

Obsessed with Film says:

Disney have a script written (though we don’t know who is responsible), they have the original trio Tom Selleck, Steve Guttenberg and Ted Danson interested in returning. The only thing now is a greenlight and a director.

Selleck, still looking creepily handsome in his aging days talked to MTV about it.

The first film involved these three becoming the unlikely guardians of a little girl who stole their hearts. Then in the sequel Selleck ends up marrying that little girl’s mom saving her from the dastardly plans of a british suitor that threatens to break up their unlikely family.

Judging by the title, this would involve the trio of “dads” and their now grown up little girl getting married.

Nostalgia alone demands that I look forward to this!

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4 thoughts on “Selleck Confirms Three Men and a Bride in the Works

  1. I’m still pissed that there has been no DVD release of the first two films. Great childhood memories with those movies. Can’t wait to see how this new one turns out.

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