JJ Abrams Mysterious Teaser Trailer already Revealed?

JJ Abrams pulled a fast one with Cloverfield and in a world of information whores, I was stunned that he kept it all a secret throughout its silent promotion.

But not to be had twice, the intarwebz are now sharing details that could reveal the mysterious trailer JJ has planned to debut before Iron Man 2 in theaters this Friday.

Vulture speculates:

Insiders familiar with the trailer tell us that it shows a bunch of kids who are shooting a movie with a Super 8 camera in the seventies or eighties. When they develop the film, they notice that there’s an alien creature in the frame. Our sources also say that Super 8 is absolutely connected to 2008’s Cloverfield (possibly a prequel, but not a sequel).

Sounds legit enough and it lines up in the same style and MO as Cloverfield.

So if this is true, would that be a film you would want to see?

I wouldn’t want another movie shown entirely from the terrified hands of a shakey cam – but to follow the story of a group of kids, maybe grown up and remeniscing with old super8 tapes spotting something they hadn’t noticed before. That would make for an interesting movie to me.

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11 thoughts on “JJ Abrams Mysterious Teaser Trailer already Revealed?

      1. oh im sorry, i didnt direct that comment at your post, i should have specified. because right now EVERYONE knows little about this movie

        i was telling everyone including myself (i had just found out, and earlier i thought it was a cloverfield prequel)

        the only thing that is certain, is that hopefully it wont be too much like D9 or that scene from SIGNS

  1. I thought Cloverfield was genius. I can not think of film that scarred me in years man it was however a theater film like Avatar if you saw it at home it must have sucked.

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