Rampage Jackson Joins the A-Team

What started out as a rumour on an MMA fan blog, has spiraled into some resemblance of fact as the coveted role of Sgt Bosco A Baracus for the new A-Team film adaptation has been handed to MMA meatball Rampage Jackson.

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According to The Vancouver Sun, MMA fighter Mr. Jackson (”Rampage” to his friends), met with producers to discuss the role on August 19th and then arrived in Vancouver last Friday to begin six weeks of filming.

I refused to believe this news as the full cast has yet to be chosen, and the site was reporting that he was already on set filming. Furthermore, the site was quoting that was also saying that because of this filming, he would be missing out on a December UFC card. 4 months of filming? Sounds off to me.

But this news is circulating the net like pictures of a pantyless Britney Spears. Could it be fact?

Could they have given an role to a non actor? I hope against hope that they haven’t.

Sure, Rampage looks the part. But so could Michael Clarke Duncan, or Tyrese Gibson. I know a lot of people will speculate that Mr T wasn’t exactly a master thespian either, but I was hoping that this adaptation would be more serious than the campy television series.

This dampens some of my hopes for the film but then I remember that Liam Neeson and Bradley Cooper are attached.

Maybe this plan will come together.

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33 thoughts on “Rampage Jackson Joins the A-Team

  1. Does anybody have a clue as to what the salaries are for the movie? There are hardcore arguments going on in the MMA forums about Jackson getting millions for doing it. It’s his first big acting gig, so I find it hard to belie e that he is getting alot. any ideas?

  2. I think from what I know Murdock will be in the movie for only 40-45 minutes based on the old script.

    The thing is they are trying to make this more like Mission Impossible + Die hard which I am fine with.

    As long as the movie has great explosions and chase scenes I will be happy.

  3. The Hollywood Reporter has a story up saying it’s confirmed, so I guess we have a B.A. It doesn’t ruin it for me and unless someone is into MMA fighting he’s an unknown, which I was hoping they would cast for the role.

  4. The major networks are running with this story, just saw it on ESPN/PTI. So I’d say its been confirmed. I’m still on board… I think the Murdock casting is more important.

  5. You know I HATE non-actors being given major roles… HOWEVER… in this case I’d make an exception for one major reason… B.A. Baracus isn’t exactly an “acting” heavy role. Never was.

    In a lot of A-Team episodes, B.A. literally only had 1 or 2 lines. Remember the love boat episode? I honestly don’t think Mr. T. said a single solitary word in that episode.

    B.A.’s main job is to look tough, snarl and grunt a bit. Rampage can pull that off no problem. So yeah, in this case I’ll make an exception.

  6. Rampage does have tons of charisma… he’s a great fighter, but an actor!? I remember seeing him in Midnight Meat Train and all the way through the scene I just kept thinking, why have they got Rampage in this film, why? He’s a mma fighter not an actor, why are you in this film? why? then the scene was over.

  7. Sorry, as much as I like Jackson as an MMA fighter I don’t want to see him in a movie. Looking the part and being the part are two different things. I hope this rumor that will not die does not become truth, but you have to admit this is one hell of a campaign to put him in the movie.

      1. Unbeatable tax incentives. Many films are moving out of LA because of similar tax breaks. Louisiana has become a hot bed because they give the producers back 25% of the money they spend if they film 80 % of the movie in state. Michigan gives 40%, but no one wants to film there. I don’t know exactly what Vancouver gives, but it has to be nice, plus a great location.

  8. Rampage is overloaded with charisma, perfect look for the role and has a bigger chain the T ever had!

    I don’t want the film to be all that different from the TV show, I myself want it to be just as full of one liners & campyness with more money thown at it and a less silly storyline than most of the tv episodes.

    It may not be the best move using a non actor, but if they were gona use anyone, I’ve got no problems with them using Rampage.

    I still think this movie has alot of potential if the other cast members are solid actors and they stick to what older people expect of the A-team, with a little added extra for new audiances.


  9. They have to still cast Howling Mad Murdock-so if they are going to start filming right now, the deal better be worked out soon. As for BA : While I would have liked Terry Crews, if this is true, I’m fine with Rampage Jackson.

    But only if one of the bad guys he fights is Oleg Taktarov…

    1. Hollywood just make it too easy to be negative, with their bonehead decisions.

      It’s also incredibly easy to be negative about all the remakes, which do affect our memories of the originals.

  10. I think he will do fine in the role. He brings that kind of underground credibility that will give it some weight. Can he act? I doubt it, but I will reserve judgement. I have been surprised before.
    The 4 months of filming isn’t the deal with the fight postponement. He won’t have time to train, so he’s dropping the fight for now. They will probably only film for about 6 weeks with him, if that.
    Then again, until it is up on the UFC site, I can’t believe this is real, though it is looking more and more like it is.

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