Lord of the Rings BluRay Release Delayed

There is only one Return and its not the Jedi, it is the King. And now the special 7-disc collector’s edition on BluRay is coming out just in time for Christmas.

Oops. For no apparent reason, it has been delayed til spring ’10. Speculation says there are too many big releases around that time and they dont want to get ‘lost in the crowd’ like that would stop any fan from buying it.

The One Ring reports:

New Line/Warner has delayed ‘The Lord of the Rings Trilogy’ originally slated to hit Blu-ray this November. The 7-disc set scheduled for November 3 has been removed from the slate and will now be released sometime in 2010

This is the definitive collection I have been waiting for. My Special Edition DVD’s have a stay of reprieve now that this release was pushed back.

Now my wife will have to find something else to buy me for Christmas.

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14 thoughts on “Lord of the Rings BluRay Release Delayed

  1. if they only have theatrical versions then there’s not much point in getting too excited is there. Would they really milk it like that?

    Either way this will finally give some just cause for owning high def equipment. Can’t wait to see it.

    Just curioius, what did you mean by “only one return, and it’s the king”? Maybe i’m slow. Does that mean there is no Star Wars Blu Ray planned or something? I’m surprised we havn’t seen anything yet from Lucasefilm.

  2. I wouldn’t have bought it anyway. I’m saving my money for the inevitible LOTR Special Extended Edition. From what I’ve heard, this particular version only had the theatrical versions.

  3. Finally caved in a bought a blue ray player and my checklist was
    1) Planet Earth
    2) LOR SE
    I am so disappointed because my wife is a budget freak and won’t let me buy too many movies but she loves LOTR and would allow this purchase and now it is pushed back very very no bueno!

  4. I was holding out this.

    Disappointment has now kicked in. My b/f was going to buy it for me. What will I watch over Xmas now?

    Damn you New Line/Warner, Damn you to Hell!!!

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