Children of the Corn Reboot?

Children of the Corn might be a franchise some won’t recognize or may have heard in passing when people talk about creepy Stephen King films. Based on his short story, the franchise has birthed seven chapters of mostly direct to video goodness.

Well after Joe Harris’ script for an eighth chapter hit limbo it looks like the Brothers Weinstein are pushing for a reboot.

Dread Central says:

We felt the New World film was a missed opportunity,” Weinstein tells Variety. “If you read the short story, it’s got such a strong feeling to it, and there’s this religious overtone to it as well. Ehren wants to hit it hard. It’s popular in Hollywood to say you’re re-envisioning a project, but a lot of the time they’re just carbon copying the original. We are bringing something new to the story.”

I would hope that this is the approach to any remake or sequel. Bring something new to the story.

The original was one of those films I watched at a buddy’s place when his parents were not home on their giant VHS machine. Being kids ourselves this was not a film we caught in theaters. There was a unique perspective to watching a film where the children ruled the town, and that Malachi fella gave me chills.

I’d be more willing to see a remake of this than yet another sequel.

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