Josh Schwartz Penning XMen Teen Prequel

The creator of Gossip Girl, Josh Schwartz claims to be developing an X-Men Prequel, but not to be part of the Origins films like the upcoming Wolverine or anticipated Origins: Magneto. This will be another team flick.

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His idea for this whole affair is to follow a teen who attends the Xavier Institute. He says he won’t be adding any new characters, so the question becomes: Which lucky X-Men character will Schwartz focus on?

I am one of the purists that Josh Schwartz is afraid of upsetting, however he claims to love the mythology of the XMen world so I can only hope he is a true fan.

So his idea is to bring us a feature group picture featuring a teen attending the school before the events that brought Wolverine along. Since the movie franchise seems to focus on the All New All Different XMen instead of the core XMen we were introduced to back in 1963 and not the original lineup, I thought he might be touching on that. But the Original Lineup consisted of Cyclops, Angel, Beast, Iceman and Marvel Girl. All of those characters have been brought to light in the franchise, so that lineup is clearly off the speculation list.

I could see him bringing us a New Mutants movie. Sort of a Junior XMen story. Perhaps they could call the movie Xavier Institute. I just hope he doesn’t lean too much on his Gossip Girl tricks and make this about popularity in high school social hierarchy. We already had SkyHigh (which I liked) play off the Hero and Sidekick social structure storyline.

I’d love to see a movie with the lineup including Warlock, Cypher, Richtor, Skids, Boomboom, and Magik (Colossus’ little sister) with Canonball being the new kid.

If this happens at all, who would you like to see be the hub of this?

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25 thoughts on “Josh Schwartz Penning XMen Teen Prequel

  1. Glynis, considering you place Jubilee as the most well known student and think Halle Berry ruined your childhood, I question if you were over the age of 20.

    Kitty Pride always was and always will be known as the “kid” of the XMen, with Logan being the father figure (also a role suitably fulfilled by Rogue in the movies) Jubilee is a replacement when they finally decided after 40 years of the comic book to let Kitty grow up and be considered college aged.

    Without the “kid” role filled Jubilation Lee was brought along. By this very logic I see no reason to have Jubilee and Shadowcat to be in the same movie. They serve the same purpose, and both do not need to be in the same movie.

    Furthermore, Kitty was already established (Ellen Page) while Jubilee was barely a cameo. This is a perfect platform for her to be a more predominate member of a younger team of XMen.

    Lastly, Halle Berry may have been a horrible choice for Ororo, but to wish her violent death is a little harsh and insensitive.

  2. Let me say first, to everyone who hates Halle Berry, I love you. I used to like her, but now… she needs to light on fire… and die. Thank you for ruining my childhood.


    I’m honestly not that worried about Schwartz taking on this project. For anyone who watch The O.C. the character of Seth was patterned after Schwartz. So, it’s safe to say he’s a comic book nerd. Hopefully he’ll stick to those ideals and not the draw of a money making angst drama like Twilight.

    As for characters I’d like to see…. Jubilee has gotta be in there. She’s probably the most well known student in the traditional X-Men comic books. I don’t see how she can’t be included. And if she’s not, I might explode.

  3. “you need to start screenwriting Seeley & blow creatures like Zak Penn & this Schwartz guy outta the water.”

    In due time. But knowing my ill luck, once I’m sold, they might rewrite ME and my spec sp tales of wonder.

  4. I agree with Jamie about the iceman tragedy. I guess some characters just got the shaft…..they can’t please us all

    I’d like to see Gambit.

  5. The only way i can see this working is that if the story focuses on a teenage character being ostracized by society. If they start out with the main character just finding out they’re a mutant then focus on how parents react negatively eventually disowning their child, then later friends turn, mutant gets a beat down for being a mutant, which eventually leads to finding the xavier institute and learning how to coexist with a society that hates them. If Schwartz can somehow turn this into an interesting social commentary using mutants to deliver a bigger message of how a teen deals with prejudice then MAYBE it could work. It’ll really depend on the angle that is taken.

  6. @ Rodney

    i thought ud get the negative digit joke…aperantly not.

    the iceman comment was however 100% serious and my hatred towards the students in x-men still stands.

  7. @Darren

    You’re absolutely right but that brings something else up. I think certain people at Fox are under the impression that people will not buy an X sequel of any kind unless certain actors like Halle Berry, Hugh Jackman, maybe even Ellen Page now, are in it. They certainly bent over backwards to tailor X3 to Berry.

  8. Well, Phil, if there was an X4 (which, technically, is Wolverine, X5 being Magneto…) and Fox didn’t want any of “the old guard” back (even Famke Janssen- who could be a character named Madeline Pryor) all they would have to do is say “X-Men Gold Team” or “Blue Team” something along those lines. Or “X-Factor” (Eric Dane could reprise the Jamie Mardox role to boot-before or after “Stand” events- the timeline of the X-films is only about a year!) or “X-Force” (my personal preference, due to Cable, Domino and Shatterstar)

  9. i see another big-budgeted balls-up in the vein of X3 or Generation X.
    this Schwartz guy trashed both Norton’s upcoming Hulk & Bryan Singer’s directorial skills if one checks the original source article. he’s a joke.

  10. The X -1 poster thing is just an image we used here Jamie. Its not what the movie is called. Aside from that description Schwartz gave, we know nothing more about the movie.

    You have to relax and not get bent out of shape over everything.

  11. X -1???

    why couldnt they think of this BEFORE X1 that way they wont have to go into negative digits?

    and the students of the x-mansion is the one thing i dispise about x-men and i hate the makers for not making iceman a hero but instead a little teenager who did absolutely nothing. now were h\getting to X4 maybe and theyre sorta grown up and now we have to watch the newbies again??

    help me here.

  12. Clearly Darren, the edict has come down from Fox that there is to be no X4 and no advancing the story at all. I think the studio feels that getting that cast together again (regardless of how many of them they’ve killed or cured…..the characters i mean) is a headache they don’t want to deal with.

    Making prequels is their way of squeezing a little more money from the X-Men brand while they still have the rights to it. Personally, i will be jumping for joy the moment Marvel gets back ownership of X-Men, Daredevil and Fantastic Four from Fox and can do these characters properly.

  13. Strong Guy was one of my favourite XFolks… such a novel idea. Plus I fell in love with Stroman’s art back during his run of XFactor.

    An XFactor movie would be awesome too.. get a story outside of the mansion and really spin off the franchise like the XBooks did. It would be awesome to see Havok, Polaris, Wolvesbane, StrongGuy and (would have to be reformed) Multiple Man

  14. So let me get this right: the concept is to focus on a group of young teen mutants *before* the events seen in the first X-Men film?

    I’m sorry. I don’t share the enthusiasm. Is Storm teaching with a mohawk? (ha ha ha) Or is Beast one of the instructors as well? As for “following a new X-Man” into the Academy, that was seen in the previous film, where Angel showed up.

    WHY is there a focus on the events before the first movie? Couldn’t there be a focus on new faces in an ‘X-Men 4’ (or “X-Men 6”, if one were to think it as such) where a rebuilding phase of San Fran is in order, and they happen to be in the area of another threat?

    Let me put it another way. We have a “new” character coming to Xavier School for the Gifted “before” the events of the first film. So where is the character in X 1-3?

    My bet is on…well, I’d be tempted to say Havok, but y’know something, Rod? I’m going to second your thoughts regarding the New Mutants. After all, Cannonball was mentioned on Styker’s screen in X2, and the character hasn’t been seen onscreen. So it is possible Guthrie left Xavier’s academy for some reason just prior to the first X-Men film.

    Knowing my luck, Schwatz was a fan of Guido the Stong Guy…

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