Worst Performances of 2007

At the end of the year we often see piles of lists. I even posted my own and John and Doug have theirs. I love lists. Mostly because they claim ultimate superiority on the topic and yet they are guaranteed to dissatisfy just about everyone who reads them. Thats cool.

DListed says:

Lindsay Lohan has given the worst performance of the year by an actress in “I Know Who Killed Me” according to a poll conducted by Moviefone. 58% of 3.8 million votes voted for Lindsay. John Travolta was in 2nd place for playing a chick in “Hairspray.”

Eddie Murphy was voted as the worst performance by an actor for “Norbit.” He got 46% of the votes.

Personally, I liked Travolta as a chick in Hairspray. I was pleasantly surprised with Hairspray, and convincingly pleased with Travolta as Mrs Turnblad. I think it was kinda creepy, but surely not something to be considered among the worst performances.

Lindsay Lohan nailing the top bad performance in a film doesn’t surprise me. I know she is trying to stretch into different roles as she has the light fluffy Disney flick routine down pat. I think she should stick to those movies as those are the ones in which I actually like her. There have been a few when she has stepped into some mild drama, but that is ok. Not even seeing her slinky form stripping on stage was enough to make people go see this movie.

Much of these “worst” lists are heavily subjective since a lot of things that qualify for the worst are among those things you just didn’t bother to see. Both Norbit and Lohan as a Stripper were movies that I didn’t bring myself to go see, so I can’t say I can really back their opinions, but I can’t deny them either. I wasn’t inspired to see them, and perhaps I dodged the bullet, but someone did.

So what would you put on your list as the worst (that you have seen)?

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16 thoughts on “Worst Performances of 2007

  1. Number #1 without a doubt: Adam Campbell (EPIC MOVIE)

    Frank Whaley (VACANCY)
    Tobey Maguire (SPIDER-MAN 3)
    Meryl Streep (LIONS FOR LAMBS)

  2. Rodney, there’s a Juno “backlash” contigent. We’re small but we’re out there. Check out rowthree.com.

    Michael Bay didnt play Megatron? Really? I’m gonna have to IMDB that but if I’m wrong the resemblance is uncanny.

  3. Michael Bay was not Megatron. Hugo Weaving was the voice of Megatron.

    I think you are the first person to say something negative about Juno. Anywhere. I haven’t seen the movie yet, but I have also yet to hear anything negative about it. Until now.

  4. Topher Grace is good is Spider-Man. Raimi reinvisioned the character. Fanboys never get unconventional casting.
    Who was the girl in Behind The Mask? That was a pretty terrible performance. SMG and the Rock and pretty much everyone in Southland Tales.
    I don’t think she’s terrible but there are reasons I don’t like Ellen Page’s super stylized and far too self aware “comedic” performance in Juno.
    Michael Bay was pretty terrible as Megatron. And I thought he’d be good in that role.

  5. As for Eddie Murphy in Norbit…yeah, the movie was AWFUL but he was good in it. No props to him for picking such despicable roles, but I gotta say…I just kept forgetting it was him when he became Rasputia or the Asian guy.

  6. Everyone: Hannibal Rising

    Heather Mazaratto: Hostel: Part II (WAAAY over-the-top, I felt so uncomfortable watching every scene with that ridiculous character in it)

    Eva Mendez: Ghost Rider

    Everyone: Reno 911 Miami (None of them brought any of their skill for improv comic delivery to this movie, allowing almost every ad-libbed gag to fall mercilessly flat)

  7. I happened to se “I Know Who Killed Me”. I think Lohan gets demirit points for the dual long lost twin sister roles, but in spite of her acting or lack therof, there were a lot more flaws than Lohan regarding the film. The film isn’t even about her “exotic” dancing, but it did distract from the film during its promotion.

    But since it was ballyhooed…when Lohan plays such a character and…she doesn’t, um, do the role she signed for (let’s put it that way) there’s a problem. Not that I wanted to see the double set, but y’know something? One should not make promises one cannot keep. In any case, the movie itself was awful.

    John Travolta is picked on because he is John Travolta. Nothing more. However…there was Wild Hogs.


    Who was the worst?


    Let’s see…well, here’s where I stand. If Christian Bale was in three movies in 2007 and all perfomances were stellar….how about an actor or actress who also appeared in three 2007 films that were total stinkers? Fair enough?

    Jessica Alba.
    You know the three pictures…or you would rather forget them. And I actually liked some of FF2. Until Alba opened her chops, anyway.

    Worst actor:

    I was tempted to go Jon Heder, Chris Tucker, Jason Lee for Underdog & Chipmunks,Timothy Olyphant for Hitman..but I have to lay down the gauntlet here.

    Ben Kingsley for You Kill Me, a film directed by John Dahl, in a film I just didn’t get.

  8. The guy that played Harry Osbourne in Spiderman 3. He was good in the other 2 Spiderman movies as well as other movies he has done but wow…I literally felt embarrassed watching him in that movie. Perhaps the horrible horrible script and lines his character had to say had a great deal to do with it but it seemed like he just didn’t care (which he probably didn’t).

  9. Everyone involved in Dragon Wars, Southland Tales, Wristcutters: A Love Story, The Bucket List, Hitman, Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium, The Seeker: The Dark Is Rising, Spiderman 3, and Pirates 3, for starters.

  10. I would go for Nic Cage in National Treasure 2, and maybe…just maybe…nahhh!! What the hell!! Megan Fox…she doesnt know how to act…but goshhh….what a way to look at Bumblebee

  11. Here is my list for worst performances of 2007:

    Malcolm McDowell’s hair in “Halloween.” Did we really buy that ponytail?

    Adam Sandler in “I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry.” I couldn’t believe him as a womanizer, let alone a fireman.

    Timothy Olyphant in “Hitman.” He just couldn’t pull off the role of a secret hitman easily spotted with a bald head and barcode.

    And finally, the cast of “Shrek 3.” They’ve worn out their welcome. It’s time to go now.

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