Radcliffe Signs on to Play Warzone Photographer Dan Eldon

When people watch the Harry Potter films they don’t often wonder about what these actors will be doing next because the obvious answer is of course, the NEXT Harry Potter movie. However, it turns out that Harry himself, Dan Radcliffe has beat out some serious names for a tragic drama of a warzone photographer.

UK Guardian says:

The film, Journey, will see Radcliffe play Dan Eldon, a 22-year-old who was among four journalists stoned to death by a mob in Mogadishu in July 1993. Eldon left behind 17 journals, thousands of pictures and a legacy that has won admirers including Madonna and Julia Roberts.

Now I often wondered if any of the Potter trio had the chops to do anything outside of their Potter roles.

If anyone, I would have thrown my vote in at Radcliffe. Throughout the movies, he has shown growth and maturity. As well he seems to be the only one getting work outside of Potter (on stage no less) so he is proving himself from the bottom up like I think actors should. He is not resting on his laurels. However he did beat out Orlando Bloom, Heath Ledger, Ryan Phillippe and Joaquin Phoenix for the role which was ultimately decided by the photographer’s mother.

Emma Watson has been signed on with some family movies, which should suit her fine and I will reserve judgement on both of them until I see them in action.

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8 thoughts on “Radcliffe Signs on to Play Warzone Photographer Dan Eldon

  1. The camera going down David Seville’s throat was a direct tribute to the original animated TV series. That was in the opening credits of every show if I recall correctly.

    Of course I have yet to hear good things about Alvin and the Chipmunks, so when the majority rules so strongly I hesitate to slap down my $15 to see it.

  2. Haha, reading that back. I sound like a fool, probably true. Anyhow, Sorry Rodney the trailers have just never done anything for me, that’s why I called it a piece of shit. Sorry champ, kind of the same way I can call Alvin & the Chipmunks a piece of shit after seeing the camera go down Jason Lee’s throat when he screams ‘ALVIN’ in the trailer.

  3. Koko, brilliant parody of an idiot. The Kevin Smitts reference was genius. Good work sir.

    On another note if my Mom ever has to cast me in a movie posthumously I hope she chooses better. Wasn’t Shia LaBouf around?

  4. Koko, I am just curious as to how you can consider a movie series to be “peices of shit” when you have yet to watch even one?

    Just because you are not into a series is hardly a reason to think they must be “shit” Read some of the books, catch a movie. They are pretty good.

  5. Never seen any of these piece of shit Potter movies but if I had to pick one. I’d say Emma Watson if only cos I wanna put it in her Axe Wound. Snoogins

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