Terminator Salvation Plot Details

Terminator-4Good morning friends, It looks like we have some more Terminator 4 details for you today. We get some fleshing out of the plot thanks to our friends at comingsoon:

“It’s set after the events of ‘Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines,’ where we see the nuclear exchange at the end of the movie, and we show what the world is like after this event, and we show how people try to deal in a post-apocalyptic world,” Middleton said. “And we introduce a new character, who becomes very important to the resistance and to John Connor, a new hero. It’s really about the birth of a new hero.”

He added that John Connor will certainly be a central character in the film as well. “I would look at him as a character that is introduced and that will grow in the second and third movies of the trilogy,” he said about the character, to be played by Christian Bale.

This is all news we have heard before, and from the word on the street I guessed that it would focus on the post apocalyptic robot wars. it is nice to have confirmation on this – because it is the best possible direction to take the franchise. I did not like Terminator 3 much, and am still skeptical about T4, but the more news I hear about the upcoming film; the more interested I become.

All out war against a robot army is something that I need to see. The Matrix had some cool robots, but they do not move me as much as the war machines from the Terminator universe. The skeletal robot played by GOV. SCHWARZENEGGER is one of the most kick-ass machines to ever grace the silver screen, with or without skin. On paper this film looks like it is shaping up to be rad – now we wait for trailers, clips and teasers!

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7 thoughts on “Terminator Salvation Plot Details

  1. I agree about being deeply skeptical about McG directing. Just doesn’t feel right at all for this. Hoping he proves me wrong, as I love this franchise. Bale as John Connor, I love it. One of my favorite actors, and if the movie is done right, I think he’s great for the role. However, I’m still not convinced he’ll be in it. Something just seems fishy about him being cast. Again, I hope to be proven wrong.

    On a related note, does anyone know how, if at all, the TV show (The Sarah Connor Chronicles) will play into the new movies. I saw the pilot – OK, but nothing special, and definitely missing Linda Hamilton. I can accept new Terminators, but Hamilton IS Sarah Connor.

  2. The only thing that bothers me, besides the lame ass title that makes the movie sound like a cheap video game, is that McG is directing this. I like to know what dumbass thinks he could pull of a Terminator. The Terminator movies are often dark, dreary in their color tones, especially in the future wars. McG’s movies are neon colored, and his style is completely wrong for the Terminator.

  3. A great cameo would be for arnie to be a the greatest human commander of john conners army then gets captured by the robots to be teared apart to be studied and thus the reason why terminators look like arnie.. VOILA! who else think thatd be a great idea

  4. I have some decent hopes for this. Bale being on board is good and Ill give McG a chance (I think hes a better director than he gets credit for due to his retarded name)but the thing that I dig most is the fact that they have a trilogy in mind right off the bat. It gives them a chance to really create a rich, epic type of story that the legacy of the Terminator franchise deserves.

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