James Purefoy Is Solomon Kane

James-Purefoy-KaneI’m a big James Purefoy fan. The man has never been a big A List name, but even in his crappier films, his performance always stands out to me as a bright spot (great example of this is A Knight’s Tale where he played Prince Edward). Not to mention it seems that anyone associated with ROME right now is hot for casting directors… so why not Purefoy? Looks like James has been given the lead to play Solomon Kane. Reuters gives us this:

James Purefoy has been cast as puritan swordsman Solomon Kane in a movie of the same name to be made from the stories of “Conan the Barbarian” creator Robert E. Howard. Kane is a 16th century soldier who learns that his brutal and cruel actions have damned him but is determined to redeem himself by living peaceably. But he finds himself dragged out of retirement for a fight against evil.

I love the sounds of this. Not just because it’s epic fantasy type material, and not just because I like Purefoy… but I love the theme. You see, I’m a total sucker for redemption themes. I think that’s why my favorite Lord of the Rings character (book and movies) has always been Boromir. I think it comes from a sense most of us have of needing redemption for one thing or another. So many things I wish I could make up for, or make good on… but that’s a post for another blog.

For now, hurray for Solomon Kane!

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7 thoughts on “James Purefoy Is Solomon Kane

  1. Also, I wanted to say I am totally excited and looking forward to Solomon Kane with my darling James Purefoy! Bring it on! I love all of the things I have seen him in so far. This movie is going to be awesome. I got the movie Blackbeard that he is in and it is very good too.

  2. I agree with Mozzerino on everything you said! I am addicted to ROME! Fell in love with all of those guys as well as the awesomeness of the whole story. To me, I just wish it was on for a few more seasons. It is a shame to take something that great away from us so soon. Thank God for DVDS! They will be worn out and I will wear out the DVR recordings of them too!

  3. James Purefoy was beyond awesome in ROME.
    Especially in the second season that guy rocked the shit hard.
    One of the most intense acting performances I have ever seen. He had several scenes with Kevin McKidd (spelling?) that were unbelievable.
    I’d watch anything with James Purefoy in the lead, especially a cool project like this.
    Let’s just hope it doesn’t turn out to be VAN HELSING 2
    It’s great to see the ROME-bunch getting rewarded for their superb work in this masterful series. Stevenson is the new Punisher, Kevin McKidd is rumored as Thor and now Purefoy can show his skill once again in this. Well deserved! Now get Ciaran Hinds some good parts, he’s awesome too!

    Oh and a note to everyone who hasn’t seen ROME yet: Go see it NOW!!!!

  4. James Purefoy was beyond awesome in ROME.
    Especially in the second season that guy rocked the shit hard.
    One of the most intense acting performances I have ever seen. He had several scenes with Kevin McKidd (spelling?) that were unbelievable.
    I’d watch anything with James Purefoy in the lead, especially a cool project like this.
    Let’s just hope it doesn’t turn out to be VAN HELSING 2
    It’s great to see the ROME-bunch getting rewarded for their superb work in this masterful series. Stevenson is the new Punisher, Kevin McKidd is rumored as Thor and now Purefoy can show his skill once again in this. Well deserved! No get Ciaran Hinds some good parts, he’s awesome too!

    Oh and a note to everyone who hasn’t seen ROME yet: Go see it NOW!!!!

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