Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem Shows Predator Home World

Avp-R-HomeI honestly can’t remember there EVER being an upcoming film that had so many people pre-bashing it… even just the idea of it… that then had such a total turn around in perception after the first trailer came out. Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem dare I say didn’t have a single supporter that I am aware of until the first trailer came online. Seriously, I don’t remember reading one article or website stating “I can’t wait for AVP2”.

And then suddenly… BAM! The first trailer came out filled with action and crazy Alien on Predator violence with lots of those pesky humans getting offed who were unfortunate enough to get in the way… and suddenly there is a buzz about the film.

Well anyway, a little piece of info is shooting around that in Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem, we are actually going to see the home world of the . The guys over at ShockTillYouDrop give the following:

Says our source, the Strause brothers – who have already impressed the hell out of us with an action-packed trailer loaded with grue – will give fans a long-awaited look at the home world of the Predator species. So, we sat on this info for the afternoon weighing the validity of this information until Fangoria posted this story where co-director Greg Strause teases, “There’s lots of stuff still unseen — complete scenes that are not in the trailer,” then, “A new world perhaps…”

On the one hand this is pretty exciting. Through all the film versions we’ve never really got a glimpse of the Predator culture, so it would be cool to see that. HOWEVER… on the other hand there is something special about mystery. Knowing next to nothing about the Predators is one of the things that makes them so interesting. Will showing their home world ruin that mystery? I don’t know, it’s too hard to say. What do you think? Good idea or bad idea to show the Predator home world?

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11 thoughts on “Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem Shows Predator Home World

  1. awesome, i really hope this movie is what the first movie should of been.

    i will really feel cheated if i buy two movie tickets for this franchise and neither delivers.

  2. I’ve always thought about what their homeworld would be like…the Predator ship scene in Predator 2 is one of my favourite scenes in these movies. They could still be mysterious about it like that scene was.

  3. darren I am glad we see eye to eye on this. i can’t believe that all it took for people to give this film a chance is a ridiculous trailer stuffed with gore. the most desperate desperate attempt to drag people into the theatres “we have made a shit movie so here is a bunch of gore to get all of you who care only about body counts and not plot or storytelling to come along”

    this film will be a steaming pile of shit. the trailer confirms that. why not try and sell us on the really great story you have come up with? because they have nothing. has anyone seen the normal green band trailer that doesn;t have the gore? it looks terrible.

    you can stuff a film with gore gore gore galore it doesn’t change the fact that it is a bad film and alien vs predator 2 looks to be every inch a bad fucking movie.

    you get to see a chest burster burst out of a kid though!!! wow it must be an awesome film then!!!

  4. I always thought of the Predators of being nomads and not having a planet that they call ‘home’. Oh well, it will be interesting to see what they do. Just hope they don’t screw it up and ruin the mystery like John said.

    Plus, I wonder if we ever find out what that ‘Space Jockey’ was in the first alien film. Now he (or it) was creepy.

  5. This come as very intresting news. I always wondered what the home world would look like. The real question is if the audience will believe the directors look or the Predator home world? If it looks terribe then yes the mystery is dead. But if it looks good and believable then its that great feeling you get much like after some had read the final harry potter book.

  6. It might be interesting to see a Predator homeworld and how a human gets there. (Why else show it then?) but just as long as the alien homeworld is never shown- although I’m sure there were temptations to do so [otherwise, they really can’t be “aliens”] and even in a proposed idea for Alien 5 there was such a thought. In films, comics AND novels, [sorry, Rafe] the aliens origin is unknown. In comics and novels, a Predator homeworld of sorts has been shown or alluded to [that’s more what you mean, Rafe] …

    But I hope it is nothing more than an idea that never filters onscreen. WTF is wrong with people! If you can’t fit it in with the story, don’t. Why give away mysteries? Then the threat of the unknown is taken away.

    BTW, the trailer? I don’t give a half a crap how many folks aliens and preds knock off in the trailer. That’s the fookin’ highlight reel, you internet geek idiots!

    AND watch! The Pred homeworld will be shown in the last reel; AVP3 should there be one will have zero to do with it. AVP2 has nothing to do with AVP1.

    What happens when this succeeds? Ppl want AVP3? That’s what Fox will say. No more solo Alien films or Pred films. If it fails? Ppl don’t want AvP3. Fox will also say they don’t want any solo Alien or Pred films.

    Don’t say screw Fox when it comes out and it turns out to be the shite you know it most likely is. I will point the finger at the internet geek suck-ups and say you screwed yourselves.

  7. I think this could be really cool to see their world for a change. There was a R-rated trailer on one of the other sites, and this movie looks a ton better than the first movie — which wasn’t bad, but too tame and was too quick to cut from the human violence.

    Not to say a movie needs to have senseless violence and gore, but this is one francise that needs an alien exploding through a person’s chest or a predator slicing someone up.

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