Bill Murray In Get Smart?

Agent-13Get Smart has seriously been on my radar from day one that it was announced. The show was just classic, and although I’m too young to have caught it when it originally aired, as a kid I loved watching the re-runs on TV. Don Adams was one of a kind and there will never be another like him… but casting Steve Carell as Maxwell Smart is pretty much as close to perfection as you’re going to get in my opinion. Adding The Rock, Anne Hathaway and the amazing Ken Davitian rounds out the cast perfectly.

But this news I got today from the good folks over at AICN would just be a perfect cherry on top of this Sundae. There was a recurring character in the show called Agent 13 who would pop up usually to deliver important information to Maxwell Smart while stuffed in the most ridiculous places (if done today, I’m sure he’ll pop up stuffed in a microwave or beer fridge). Seems they want to use Agent 13 in the film… and they say they’ve got none other than Bill Murray to play him!

I don’t want to over play the importance of this… any agent 13 role would be sure to be a small, cameo type role at best… but still… how perfect would Murray be for this part? AICN seems pretty sure about this… I hope they’re right this time.

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12 thoughts on “Bill Murray In Get Smart?

  1. Murray will bring it no matter the size of the role. i’m now leery of this since Kristina mentioned The Rock. then again,it is a comedy..

  2. As much as I love to look at the man, if The Rock is in a movie, it’s not a good sign for the quality of that film. That being said, this flick might be fun, or it could be utter shite. Bill Murray in a cameo doesn’t swing it either way for me.

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