Jessica Alba Signs On For “Bill”

As I mentioned the other day, super brat Lindsay Lohan walked off of the project “Bill” being directed by Bernie Goldman. However, the film is still not lacking in star power. Not only did the film already have two of the hottest women on the planet, Elizabeth Banks and Amanda Peet, but it also has one of my favorite actors Aaron Eckhart.

Well, looks like they didn’t take long in finding a replacement for Lohan… and it’s a bit of an upgrade if you ask me. Jessica Alba!

Ok, I have totally NO IDEA if this film is going to be any good or not… but crap… with Jessica Alba, Elizabeth Banks and Amanda Peet all in it I’m going to have to watch this thing 8 times… maybe with the sound turned off… and a box of tissue.

Lohan probably walked because she didn’t like being the skid ugly girl on set compared to Peet and Banks. I don’t blame her. Thanks to Darren for the heads up.

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13 thoughts on “Jessica Alba Signs On For “Bill”

  1. i saw them shooting Bill a couple days ago at a local ice cream shop where they turned it into a doughnut shop..we even saw Alba shooting a scene!!

  2. thats great news… what an upgrade!! she is such a great actress…and this film has been on my most anticipated list for ages…..I jest of course…..who the fuck cares about this fucking movie??? amanda peet? elizabeth banks??? those fine thespians with a long history of hit movies behind them are now joined by the meryl streep of our time Jessica Alba!!

  3. So much higher profile star has come along and filled little miss Lohans boots.It just shows how worthless she is in hollywood.She is now talking about her love life just days after walking out of a movie.I think we all know what kind of star Linsey Lohan is but it does not begin with movie,it begins with tabloid

  4. Best news of the day. Love that Jessica and it’s funny because now that Alba is casted no one gives a rats ass about Lohan….Not that I did in the first place…

  5. Banks and Peets can act and they are hot!! Alba is eye candy with a very sour taste…bleeeh!!

    I guess as long as she doesn’t open her mouth, things can be kind of cool…but most movies require dialogue.

    Maybe they can get Meryl Streep to dub her voice over Alba’s!! Yeah that’s it!!! Then she can act and still look good!!

  6. Holey cow! This will be better than the Lingerie Bowl for sure. Alba was on the Tonight Show Monday night and again confirmed my belief she is the perfect female specimen. Wow!

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