Early Superman Returns Thoughts

Got an email from Phil this morning who had just seen Superman Returns. Here’s what he had to say:

Hey John, Enjoy the blog/podcast immensely. First time writer…

I just saw a screening of “Superman Returns” this evening at the Bridge in Los Angeles. As a huge fan of the Christopher Reeve-era movies (well, the first two), I enjoyed “Returns” immensely–it owes a great deal to those films. That said, Nagy is going to HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE this movie, for all the reasons he has already anticipated. Just thought I’d let you know.

This goes along with everything I’ve read from people who have seen it. They all like it a lot… but confirm that it does have a lot of romance in it. Who knows… maybe it can all work.

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8 thoughts on “Early Superman Returns Thoughts

  1. Best Comic book movies
    Superman I and II
    Batman Begins
    Spider-Man 2
    X-Men 2 United
    Sin City

    Superman IV
    The Punisher
    The Hulk

  2. The Adventures of Lois and Clark was such a pile of shit which has forever ruined any good thoughts I ever had of Superman.

    Superman will always be about romance because he’s such a fucking pussy.

  3. I really don’t mind romance as I grew up watching Lois and Clark and Smallvile which featured romance in every episode so if there was no romance in ”Returns” then to be honest it wouldn’t feel like Superman to me. Anywhere you had Superman you had Lois.

  4. That’s great! I hope it is as good as people say it is. The one source I have who works for the WB did not like the movie. Couldn’t get the details out of her as to why, but since she was really busy at the time, so I was left feeling just really skeptical.

    But if reviews are coming out positive then I have some hope.

    The last trailer left me feeling much better, since I felt the previous 3 really did not look good. The acting seem stilted, and they seemed to border to much on camp. And camp is what I always found a little annoying in the first two Superman movies ( As far as I’m concerned, III and IV do not exist), even though I enjoyed them immensely. Chris Reeve was just perfect as Supes and Clark. He pulled off the duality of the character with class and distinction.

    The first 45 mins of Superman I is also some the best moviemaking in cinematic history too. Donner’s need to apply verisimilitude to the entire movie was truly right. The need to be real and treat the material with respect worked greatly for the movie. I still was not crazy about the camp, but the positives of Supes I and II really made me love those movies. The postivies just outweighted the negatives!!

    Now I do like humor and when it is interjected into a action or fantasy movie correctly it works. i.e all the Indy and Lethal Weapons for example. But camp just annoys me.

    If Supes Returns has the right enough of humor and action balanced with great or good acting, I will be happy. But please no more camp!!!

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