Post submitted by: Darren You can submit a post here
Everybody seems to be talking about digital cinema, and how the days of shipping big cans of films around the world are soon to be over.
Dan owns an independent cinema in Springfield, Missouri, and has written an interesting and sceptical analysis of what digital cinema will take to become a reality:
>What Hollywood doesn’t understand is that the problem isn’t in the distribution, it’s in the presentation. The cinematic experience has degraded so drastically over the years (cell phones, pre-show commercials, untrained projectionists, dirty auditoriums, expensive concessions) that it comes as no surprise that the majority of people would rather wait for the DVD so they can watch it at home.
He thinks each digital film will require nearly 3 terabytes of uncompressed data to match the quality of 35mm film. That’s quite a download.
You can read all of this theater owners thoughts over here. It’s a really interesting read.
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