17 thoughts on “Best Damn Superman Returns Trailer Yet

  1. I refuse to watch this trailer. Too many trailers, or unofficial trailers were released for XMen 3 and exposed too much footage and that kinda ruined the movie for me. So there, I will turn my back to this one folks. Though I am still very happy to hear that it kicks butt.

  2. Am I the only person who is getting a really strong feeling of “whatever” about this film. Was there anything really special in that trailer? what did we see that we haven’t seen in the trailer of other summer movies. it just looks shit.I don’t like the art design. I don’t like kate bosworth as lois lane. so far spacey looks like a terrible luthor. The more I see the less I want to see it. The action looks incredibly blah. In fact I will go as far as to say i don’t know if I wil l bother going to see this. Up until these traielr superman was at the top of my must see list. Now…..fuck it. I am with doug. All that crap about lois being married and having a kid….plus no matter how they explain it the whole clark being away the same time as superman is going to be fucking ridiculous. I am very upset by what I have seen. The worst of all is that stupid scene in the other trailer “is it a bird? no its a plane” “you looking for me?” you know what I mena..that fucking inane gag……gargh…..the more I think about it it’s official…fuck this film.

  3. looks good to me…. I’m glad they’re letting loose about the “continent” bit of the story. This may give people like Doug, who fear the central points of the story will be his whiney life with Lois, that there will really be some fucking action in this film.

    after all…you can’t raise a continent without causing alot of chaos.

    for a little “spoiler”, check out the map in the background of the international trailer when Lois and Luther and the bastard child are talking….

    Luthors’ master plan….revealed? hmmmmm

  4. No doubt, it was the best yet. I just wish they would have put in the entire ” guy shoots supes in the eye” scene, like the international trailer

  5. I asked some of my friends who are planning to see X3 last week if they have the same desire to see Superman Returns. Their reply was “not really”. They told me they aren’t into the whole “All-American Hero” type of movie. But I can still see a large crowd next month.

    Here’s my problem: Fox was smart to release X3 before Superman; look how much money they made (despite the movie’s flaws). Now, I think Singer can make Superman have a better story than ‘The Last Stand’, but will there still be hope for the movie to do a better job than X3?

    On one hand, I really hope this movie will have a great response and gross (maybe over X3). However, if this movie fails or doesn’t beat X3, I think it goes to show the state of theaters and interest.

    Well, I plan to see this movie, and as much as I liked X3, I hope Superman Returns can do better in story and box-office gross, especially the Hell Superman went through during the LONG pre-production.

  6. Finally a trailer that I can actually say gives me some hope.

    Also after seeing the new incredibly awful X-men movie directed by Ratner who spoiled a perfectly good franchise, Superman looks to be good since it in the hands of Singer, who can still be a hit or miss but is light years ahead of Ratner in terms of style and substance.

    He gave us two better X-men movies with lower budgets and support and made a better movie than what Ratner did with a much bigger and splashier budget. I know there were deadline and star issues (Halle) but still, that’s no excuse for such obvious story plot holes!

  7. Finally people are beginning to understand what I have been saying all along, this movie will be great. My favorite part would have to be in the elevator, when he just puts his arm up and goes. Awesome stuff.

  8. Ha, I thought you were kidding and posted some other youtube spoof resembling a Superman trailer or something. Man I was surprised to see a real trailer and what a trailer it was! In one of the scenes Brandon Routh looks just like Christopher Reeve! This movie looks classic…and love scenes are kept to a minimum, that’s a good sign.

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