As a kid I used to enjoy the off novelty of going to a 3D movie. I think my first one was that horrible Jaws 3-D flick. Oh my goodness that brings back some bad memories. I honestly can’t remember off the top of my head if I’ve seen any other 3D films in the last 10 years or so.
To me, it seems like all 3D is really good for is exactly that… novelty. Maybe once every 10 years. But seriously… does it actually ADD anything to the theatrical experience?
In an attempt to capitalize on said novelty, it looks like Superman Returns is going to be released in IMAX 3D on the same day the film opens in wide release. The good folks over at M&C give us this:
‘Superman Returns’ will be the world’s first live-action Hollywood feature to be converted from 2D to IMAX 3D. Will this be the answer to getting Hollywood out of the doldrums represented by the 9% drop in ticket sales last year? That remains to be seen. However it will be difficult to assess the success of the 3D venture and track IMAX box office receipts as the studios do not lump them in with regular screen totals and the independent organization that used to track giant screen totals – no longer does so.
If any film can really capitalize on the whole novelty of 3D, I imagine that film would be Superman. But really… would anyone actually watch this movie in 3D BEFORE seeing it in its regular format first? I wouldn’t.
Your thoughts?