Janis Joplin Movie Loses Pink – Thank God

Pink not in Janis Joplin FlickAs a musical artist, I’ve got a lot of respect for Pink. Her new song called “Stupid Girl” is basically social commentary on the roles and self image of women in todays pop culture set to music and is absolutely brilliant!

Having said that… Pink is a musical artist… not an actor. I was totally dismayed when I first heard that Pink was going to be offered the role of Janis Joplin in the upcoming “Gospel According to Janis“. Why on earth would they give a role like that to someone whose biggest film achievement to date was as “Rock Singer Girl #2” in Rollerball?

Well apparently Pink has walked from the project… and that is great news for true movie fans… who you know… like to see ACTORS acting in major roles. You know… people who have trained most of their lives for the craft and actually know what they’re doing. Go figure.

So Pink is off the Joplin movie. Yay!

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12 thoughts on “Janis Joplin Movie Loses Pink – Thank God

  1. I just saw Love,Janis at the Ordway theater in St. Paul, minnesota. It was astonishing. The woman who played Janis was amazing. It felt as if you were seeing a ghost and watching Janice herself. If a person really puts themself into a charachter its amazing what they can do. I’m sure pink would do a fantastic job.

  2. I know it’s a free country and all so everyone’s comments are equal. I don’t think Pink should’ve gotten the part not because she doesn’t have the know how or the talent or anyhting along those lines. Janis Joplin is actually one of Pink’s idols and, like me, she adores Janis even though there was no way of actually knowing her. Pink didn’t need the part ’cause she is actually too pretty to play Janis and, forgive me for this blasphemy, but Pink can actually SING! I love Janis Joplin and all of her screaming, blues-soaked glory. I am a HARDCORE Janis fan and a huge Pink fan. I say she shouldn’t play her ’cause she’s hot. While no one (in my opinion) can ever hold a candle to Janis Joplin I honestly believe Pink could’ve nailed the part because she feels and has lived the music she puts out there. Here’s a thought: why don’t the disbelievers go and listen to “I’m Not Dead” and give it a chance and actually LISTEN to the music and the lyrics and then judge Pink on what she can or cannot do? I just hope Hollywood gets it right with the movie and gives the true, hardcore Janis fans what they deserve and gives Janis her dues. Lord knows she paid her dues while she was alive….

  3. Melissa Ethridge was supposed to be attached to Joplin biopic awhile back, as was Lili Taylor to another, but neither seemed to materialize. I would personally like to see Lili Taylor as Joplin, she is always amazing!

  4. I think they should just throw a cat into a studio full of rocking chairs to recreate Joplin’s vocals. For appearances, maybe stick the now heavy-set Brittany Spears in a sack and beat her with hammers for a while. Then, have a small dog sleep in her hair for about a week. Lastly, get her stupid drunk/stoned and send her out on stage with the cameras rolling.

    Or, as has been suggested … just get Courtney Love.

  5. A far better choice for this role would be Taryn Manning (from Hustle & Flow). Not only does she look the part better, but she has an amazing voice (check out boomkat or her solo stuff).

  6. I confess I was a Pink kind of guy. Yes, I migrated to the more talented and more attractive, if not more tatooed Bif Naked. but I…have to disagree just a tad bit here. Not that Pink lost the part, but that a singer/musician cannot play another musician. True, in those cases it was supporting roles (Brian Setzer and Marshall Crenshaw in ‘LaBamba’; the recent show ‘American Dreams’ which had musical guests re-enacting performers on Ed Sullivan etc.,) and then there are exceptions, but then again not everyone is named Cher, or LL Cool J for that matter.

    But considering that Jamie Foxx was great in Ray and won an Oscar and Joaquin Pheonix was nominated for one for ‘Walk The Line’, (and Reese Witherspoon winning), and Val Kilmer played Jim Morrison, countless actors played Elvis…yes.

    I do think a “real actor” should be given the part. Given the current track record box office and Oscar wise, this role should be a feeding frenzy for several actresses. Calling Renee Zellweger…Gweneth Paltrow…Cate Blanchett…

    …Courtney Love! Best of both worlds, right there!

  7. I guess you didn’t see her do her rendition of “Me and Bobby McGhee”
    on TV. They stood and cheered after she blew them away. Sometimes singers who can actually sound like the person they’re playing are chosen because actors don’t know how to carry a tune!!!

  8. Pink is a HYPOCRITE. She makes fun of other half-naked sluts, but she’s one of them. Have you seen that Lady Marmalade video? Or that other video where she’s naked save for some rose petals ala American Beauty? Moron.

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