Tom Cruise jeopardising Mission Impossible 3?

Cruise4.jpgThere’s talk all over the net that Tom Cruise is giving the studio executives some last minute jitters over Mission: Impossible 3. From MovieTab:

Apparently Tom Cruise’s oddball behavior during the promotion of his next film, War of the Worlds, has executives at Paramount reconsidering moving ahead with Mission: Impossible 3…Cruise’s growing support of Scientology and his gushing over his love for new girlfriend Katie Holmes (May 23s edition of Oprah) have the higher ups thinking twice. An executive from Viacom, Paramount’s parent company, has gone on record as saying, “No definitive decision has been made; it’s a discussion.”…

…More from The New York Times:

But within Hollywood, the discussion among agents, producers, studio executives and other actors has been focused more on whether Hollywoods biggest box office star was doing long-term harm to his career. And there was sincere confusion over what Mr. Cruise, a 20-year veteran of the publicity machine, had in mind with his recent public appearances and statements.

So what? I personally think this is hype and gossip, however to pay it lip service for a moment. You can’t can a film for an actor behaving “strangely”, especially if that strangely is described as being “gushingly” in love and voicing of “religion”, whatever your beliefs. As MovieTab says, there’d be no Hollywood, there would have been nobody in early Hollywood.

Another thing to consider is that this is all good news. No drugs, no sex scandal, nothing illegal. He’s voicing his new found love (however you actually perceive it, that’s what he’s doing) and he’s discussing his religion that we’ve known about for a long time, and let’s get this straight he’s been talking about his own life when questioned and referring to his own life regarding the negative impact of Psychology in his beliefs.

So does that count as a risk and a top profile movie needs to dropped? So sex and drug scandals are positive publicity then? You can’t take from Cruise in one hand and give to Downey Jr on the other. Sort yourself out Hollywood.

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