Anthony Anderson Joining The Shield

anthonyanderson4.jpgFilm star and comedian Anthony Anderson has signed up to join the new season of hit TV show “The Shield”. Prompting the question: “Why on earth would anyone hire this guy?!?

I’m sorry, but this guy is a total waste of screen space. I’ve tried very hard to like him. Honestly I have. But time and time again his overall lack of talent makes him a distraction at best and a total annoyance at worst whenever he’s on the screen.

And no, I’m not slagging him because he’s been in a LONG list of bad films (Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London, My Baby’s Daddy, Malibu’s Most Wanted, Cradle 2 the Grave, Kangaroo Jack, See Spot Run, the list goes on and on)… sometimes good actors end up in bad projects… that’s just a fact of movie life. I’ve yet to see him in ANYTHING where he made me crack more than one or two smiles the entire film, and most of the time he has me moaning in agony. And yet, he continues to get roles… and even some pretty decent ones.

Am I the only one who notices this? Seriously, am I just missing the point with this guy? What is it the studios see in him that keeps landing him roles?

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8 thoughts on “Anthony Anderson Joining The Shield

  1. Well, some of you have bitten yourselves in the arses! Anthony Anderson breathed life into The Shield with his powerful performance! He singlehandedly made the new season worth watching! I guess that’s his way of telling you doubters to kiss his natural black …. well, you know!

  2. Leave the brotha alone and stop hating and being jealous. Don’t hate, start participating. I know it’s only crackers, and rednecks, who would make those nasty remarks. I could name a few of the not funny white actors or actresses I dislike, but you don’t hear me putting them down.

  3. I agree with John. I hate this bastard and I become annoyed with his onscreen acting. Get him out of hollywood and onto UPN or BET or the Food Network or something…DAMN!

  4. I thought he was pretty funny in “Me, Myself, and Irene.” However, I have to agree with John that this guy just isn’t funny. He’s kind of annoying in everything he does.

  5. He’s just a lowest-common-denominator, cheap gag merchant, which explains the kind of films he’s in.

    I’ve not seen The Shield but assuming they’re not asking him to bring his particular brand of humour to proceedings, maybe he’ll be decent when asked to actually act.

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