Jules lives in Brooklyn, New York City. He works in the city, watches movies, and writes criticism. Jules is a graduate of Eugene Lang College at The New School, and attended high school at The Ross School. His breakdown for his scale is below: 10-Perfect 9.5-Almost Perfect 9-Flirting w/ Perfect 8.5-Excellent 8-Great 7.5-Teetering on Great 7-Almost Great 6.5-Very Good 6-Pretty Good 5.5-Good Enough 5-OK 4.5-Not OK 4-Getting Bad 3.5-Not Good 3-Bad 2.5-Really Bad 2-Horrible 1.5-Really Awful 1-Unwatchable .5-Insufferable 0-The Worst
Movie Reviews, The Correct Opinion

Rental Review: “Bone Tomahawk” Is My New Number One…From Last Year

[springboard type=”video” id=”1595907″ player=”tmbg001″ width=”599″ height=”336″ ] Four men set out in the Wild West to rescue a group of captives from cannibalistic cave dwellers. Bone Tomahawk released on December 10th of last year, and yet I didn’t catch it ...