There’s something lurking through the pass on the other side of the mountains. Who, or what, is it? This is the mystery that you may or may not solve if you choose to venture “Beyond Here”, a most unconventional and ...
First things first. Any chick that rocks white overalls, Keds high tops and drinks Coors from brown stubbies has me dead to rights, man. Zosia Mamet (HBO’s “Girls”) does all of this and much more in the new romantic dramedy ...
The recently released “The Ritual” is a monster movie, with the creature springing forth from ancient Norse mythology. But it is more than that. The level of performance by a quartet of actors is a prime cut above standard scary ...
Perhaps there are bigger fans of The Beatles than me. But I guarantee there exists no bigger devotee than grand master “Beatleologist” Scott Freiman. The bespectacled and multi-talented musician, producer and composer serves as our erudite guide for the four-disc ...
“The Driving Seat” is a multi-awarded British short film featuring a long-married couple who’ve decided to rev up their sex life. In their driveway. In the front seat of their car. In the middle of the day. It’s hardly a ...
Los Angeles. Austin. The question is not whether these towns are strange. Only which one is stranger. Both bergs are featured in their full omnipresent oddness in the new romantic comedy Mr. Roosevelt. Noël Wells writes, directs and stars. Trailer: ...
Faithful is a psychological thriller about a woman named Lauren who’s struggling in her relationship with a cheating husband. I often have the opportunity to review short films by aspiring Directors. By nature the budgets are minimal and the scripts ...
The just-released “Walking Out” had me from the get-go. Having lived my entire life west of the Mississippi to varying degrees, I have a powerful appreciation and respect for the independent spirit of the region’s people together with the indigenous ...
“Abundant Acreage Available” is the kind of movie that is content to take its own sweet time telling its story. There is no particular interest in rushing fast forward from scene to scene at light speed. Or investing any real ...
I have one primary takeaway after having seen the new movie “Wetlands”, opening in theaters on Friday, September 15. Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje (TV’s “Lost”, “Suicide Squad”) can carry a movie. Oh, veteran pros like Jennifer Ehle and Christopher McDonald are just ...
Veteran British actress Elizabeth Healey has never played a part quite at all like the one she brings us in the new film “Across the River”. Script? What script? I recently had the opportunity to offer some questions to Ms. ...
So I had quite imagined what I’d be getting with the new film Across the River would be pretty much a quirky kinda meet cute sorta touchy-feely fun and funny frolic of a take on an extemporaneous contemporary romance. And while ...