John Smistad shares another awesome 1 minute audio/video review, this time for the short film Gridlock the thriller Directed by Ian Hunt Duffy.
I probably would not be the passionate fan of baseball I am today if not for my dad first introducing me to The Grand Old Game when I was a child. Maybe I still would be. But I tend to ...
Folk Hero & Funny Guy Recently dumped by his fiancée and with a stagnating standup routine, aspiring comedian-slash-copywriter Paul (Alex Karpovsky) is stuck. The manager of the club where he performs suggests he take some time off to update his ...
For my Audio Review of “Valley of Ditches” on the TMB YouTube channel please watch below:
For my Audio Review of “Again” on the TMB YouTube channel please watch below:
If ever there was an example of a passable mystery/thriller, “Grey Lady” fills the bill perfectly. It is not a great movie. But it ain’t half horrible, either. Starring a gaggle of primarily TV actors cumulatively testing the cinematic waters, ... You’re likely familiar with the phrase “slow as molasses”. But I’m willing to bet you’re not as hip to the one that goes “slow as ‘The Holly Kane Experiment'”. Well, friends, consider yourself formally initiated. Good grief this British ...
As far as I’m aware there has not been a film produced and dedicated to the genuine unsung heroes of Mission Control who shined so spectacularly during the transcendent era of NASA first landing men on the moon. And ...
There is more than meets the eye goin’ on in the unconventional Iranian horror/thriller “Under the Shadow”. One whole helluva lot more. The setting is a Tehran apartment house during the late stages of the nearly decade-long Iran-Iraq War of ... There are certainly things to be said about the independent horror mockumentary “Savageland”. Both good things and not so much. Being as I am a steadfast “glass half full” guy and, by extension, critic, let us begin with the ...
Christine I once worked in local television news and sports broadcasting. After a few years I came to recognize that I did not have near the, to quote the great George Carlin, “Dig Me” show biz mentality to stay with ...
There is a palpable sense you get while watching the quirked-out indy dramedy “Donald Cried”. It is the distinct impression that this maturation-blunted misfit stoner is based on a guy, or perhaps an amalgamation of them, that Writer, Director and ...