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X-men 97 Wolverine and Jean Cyclops Episode 5 Marvel Studios MCu (2)

EXCLUSIVE: That Awkward Moment Explained By X-Men ’97 Director

*Spoilers ahead for episodes 3-5 of X-Men 97*

The love triangle in the X-Men has always been a source of drama, and X-Men ’97 is no exception. Episode 5 threw another curveball into the mix with a surprising kiss between Jean Grey and Wolverine (Logan). This comes amidst ongoing tension between Jean and Cyclops (Scott) after the shocking revelation of Jean being a Mr. Sinister clone in episode 3. Here at The Movie Blog, we were eager to understand the creative choices behind this complex relationship dynamic. We spoke with Emi Yonemura, the episodic director of episode 5, to get her insights on the emotional rollercoaster Jean, Scott, and Logan are navigating.

X-Men 97 Interview:

The Movie Blog: You had the tough task of juggling this complex relationship between Cyclops, Jean and Wolverine. Where are we going with this? I don’t know if Jean actually loves Logan.  Cyclops has a whole psychic affair going on. What was your approach with that whole soap opera?

Emi Yonemura: I just wanted so much soap opera out of it. I wish that they would just come to terms with the fact that they’re going to be a throuple. Right? Like there’s always going to be a Wolverine in their life. Just get over it already!

X-men 97 Wolverine and Jean Cyclops Episode 5 Marvel Studios MCu (2)

Emi Yonemura: I think what I like about that moment, and it was something that we really worked closely with the writers on, was it’s a vulnerable moment for both Jean and Wolverine. I love that Wolverine catches [Jean] on it. When he says, “I know that you’re just confused…you’re still figuring out who you are. You just got back. The story is you and Scott. If you’re going to kiss me, I got to earn that on my own, you know, like, it’s got to be then us, right? So I think it was it was just I always want to be able to show that our characters aren’t just how they’re singularly defined. They’re not just superheroes, but they’re also people.

I love that we can show that depth to Wolverine. He can also have the emotional maturity to say, “I know that this isn’t you right now. So you should just go talk to your dude and just don’t drown me in this lake, please.”

X-men 97 Wolverine and Jean Cyclops Episode 5 Marvel Studios MCu (2)

Emi’s thoughtful approach to these characters and their relationships is sure to spark even more discussion among fans. Whether you’re Team Scott or Team Logan, one thing’s for sure: the love triangle in X-Men ’97 promises to be a captivating element of the season.  Be sure to tune in every Wednesday on Disney+ to see where the X-Men go next and prepare for even more excitement along the way!

X-Men 97 Interview:

X-MEN '97 Marvel Animation Marvel Studios

X-MEN ’97, exclusively on Disney+. © 2024 MARVEL.

Director: Jake Casterano
Writer(s): Beau DeMayo
Stars: Jennifer Hale, Ray Chase, Alison Sealy-Smith, Cal Dodd, George Buza, A.J. LoCascio, Holly Chou
X-Men ’97 comes to Disney+ on March 20, 2024. Be sure to follow E-Man’s Movie Reviews on Facebook, Subscribe on YouTube, or follow me on Twitter/IG @EmansReviews for even more movie news and reviews!

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