Movie Reviews

Watcher Teaches Us To Look Over Your Shoulder

Julia is an actress who moved to Romania with her husband after he gets a job promotion. She notices someone staring at her from the building across the street. Meanwhile, news of a serial killer on the loose is all the talk on the news and on the streets. Could her mysterious neighbor be the killer or is her imagination getting the best of her? Julia is played fantastically by Maika Monroe (It Follows).

Her constant thoughts of this Watcher looking at her and following her around all the time, and the fact that others did not believe her, contributed to her paranoia and I found her acting believable. I felt frightened of her. Vulnerable with her. She is on her own with this. She’s in a foreign country and doesn’t know the language. Her husband doesn’t believe her suspicions and thinks she may be in the middle of a mental breakdown.

Julia’s only friend seems to be her neighbor Irina (played by Madalina Anea). Irina helps keep Julia grounded in reality, she’s a comforting friend and also a welcome distraction. I think Watcher has good acting throughout the movie.  All of the characters were played well and had great chemistry. I also liked that there’s a constant creepy vibe throughout Watcher. The camera angles, lighting, and actors all contributed to the unsettling feeling that something was not right. 

There were a few moments when the pace slows way too much and almost loses my interest. I didn’t feel like this from the start but the ending was kind of predictable too. This predictability doesn’t take away from my overall enjoyment of Watcher. 

Watcher is a worthy addition to the psychological thriller genre and is worth a watch. Check it out when you can and remember to constantly look over your shoulder. You never know who is watching!

Watcher is currently streaming on Shudder.

As a serial killer stalks the city, a young actress who just moved to town with her boyfriend notices a mysterious stranger watching her from across the street in this terrifying thriller.

Watcher Review
  • Acting - 8.5/10
  • Cinematography/Visual Effects - 8/10
  • Plot/Screenplay - 7/10
  • Setting/Theme - 7.5/10
  • Watchability - 7/10
  • Rewatchability - 7/10
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