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Is Zendaya our new Mary Jane Watson?

That’s the rumor! Sony made a strict rule that Spider-man had to be a white male but it looks like Marvel found a loophole with all of the other characters!

Zendaya will be playing long-time Spider-Man love interest Mary Jane Watson in next summer’s “Spider-Man: Homecoming,” two individuals with knowledge of the project told TheWrap.

Diehard Spidey fans have long speculated about whom the 19-year-old Disney Channel star would portray in Sony’s high-profile reboot of the superhero franchise, starring British actor Tom Holland as a teenage Peter Parker, a.k.a. Spider-Man.

I have no idea who Zendaya is! I’m googling as fast as I can. She’s black? I couldn’t tell. Definitely not white but black would not have been my first guess. To my knowledge, this will be the first re-imagining of the character.. ever. Mary Jane is traditionally a white woman with red hair and some freckles so this news alone will get people talking.

Somewhere someone is doing a fist pump and pre-ordering tickets.

[The Wrap]



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