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Paramount didn’t invite us to the Ninja Turtles premier but did send pictures!

I love when a film premieres in New York. I get the aura that something exciting is happening in my own back yard that I’m not actually invited to but I can watch enviously from my window. The Ninja Turtles movie earned a place on my radar by default since it’s a childhood love and these images from the New York premiere look like they would tickle the nostalgia bone and would have been a great opportunity to bring my son to enjoy. I’m going to assume that our invitation to the event was devoured by e-mail gremlins, (whoops!), and will instead share these images while we imagine what we missed:

Looks like it was a lot of fun! Look at all the fun selfies people took. I can’t wait to see the movie and write a review.

That’s all for now

[Paramount Pictures]



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