Movie News Chat

5 ways your favorite movies would change with batteries!

I sometimes wander into the darkest recesses of the internet and stumble upon some of the most meticulously thought out lists that I feel it’s my obligation to share with others, so that someone’s time and investment into this obscure topic is not in vain. This is one idea that highlights how some of our fondest films could have gone in different directions with just a little foresite and proper planning. This, my friends, is 10 ways the world of film could have changed with batteries!


Of course, there wouldn’t be a movie if there wasn’t a little drama involved, but sometimes you just have to wonder how things would be different if our favorite characters were just a little more…prepared. Here are five movies which could have seen a lot less action had they been prepped with the necessary equipment!

Jurassic Park

One of the most epic instances where everything that could possibly go WRONG, does.  A team of scientists travel to a remote island near Costa Rica to investigate the validity of a new theme park where the main attractions are cloned dinosaurs whose DNA has been fabricated from a fossilized mosquito and frogs.

One disgruntled park worker decides to take matters into his own hands, and works to smuggle the DNA out to another competitor. In order to sneak out of the park, he must turn off all of the power to the island, which also turns off the power to the electric fences surrounding the dinosaurs… and the rest is history.

However, what if the park creators had been smart and implemented a back-up power source that would protect the fence in case of catastrophic power failure or shut down… say something like a battery powered electric fence? No escaping T-rex or velociraptors, and nobody dies.

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