Thursday’s Speaker is an indie dark comedy that shows potential


While many feature films have the financial backing of deep pocketed studios, indie films require more effort to produce an adequate film on a limited budget. Although they may be lacking in budget, indie films tend to focus on the passion of the film through rich character development. Thursday’s Speaker premieres on September 21, 2013 and seems to be a film that differentiates itself from the usual characters and plots seen in many of the films today. Take a look at the trailer below.



Alcoholism is an interesting dynamic in films because it creates an internal struggle for the characters that puts them at war with themselves. What makes this character even more interesting is that he is a pathological liar and an alcoholic that uses his ability to lie to create a positive facade at his AA meetings. The premise for the character alone is interesting enough to drive the plot but there are also a number of other characters with their own problems that are affected by the main character’s actions.


Thursday’s Speaker seems to have great potential as a film that invokes an emotional response. While it may not be on everyone’s radar like some other mainstream films, it could be a thought provoking sleeper film that leaves you with an emotional satisfaction that you won’t get from many of these carbon-copied, high budget films. It is already receiving a lot of buzz and won a couple awards including “Best Narrative Feature” at the Columbia Gorge International Film Festival and the Indie Gathering 2013. The film premieres this Saturday, September 21st at the IFQ Film Festival in Los Angeles.


Thursday’s Speaker Official Website





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