Is this Jack the Giant Slayers’ Giant?


Remember Jack the Giant killer slayer? The movie directed by Bryan Singer starring Ewen MacGregor, Bill Nighy, Stanley Tucci and more? The film that was supposed to release this past June but got delayed til hell froze over? Well now that Synger has re-attached himself to the X-men franchise folks,(WB), are starting to forgive and forget his misgivings with the 2006 Superman Returns film and will resume promotion of this film. As a result, 5 months after the originally intended release date we’re finally privy to a blurry look at what appears to be a Giant from the film in the background of some sort of editing room photo. Seriously.


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I don’t know what that is. I can’t tell if its a Middle Earth reject or something from the perpetually unreleased Team Ico game “The Last Guardian” . Either way that blurry crap is the best we have until we’re a little closer to the new March 1st release date for the film.

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