Schwarzenegger Eyes Return to Film

As his 7 years as Governator end, Arnold Schwarzenegger told an Austrian newspaper that he is looking at several scripts to base his return to movies with!

Guardian reports:

“I’m reading three scripts,” [Schwarzenegger] said. “One topic/script, which I considered a long time ago before governor, is delighting me particularly. I would play an older [German] soldier, who gets the order at the end of the war to kill a bunch of kids. But he doesn’t do it and gets them to safety at the risk of his life. It has all kinds of adventure. The script is based on a true story

The script he refers to has been identified by several reporting news sources as With Wings As Eagles, by Braveheart writer Randall Wallace, and is based on the novel Ostermann’s War by James J. Cullen. That script is inspired by the true story of a German colonel who is ordered to kill thousands of prisoners in the last days of the war, and how he is then forced to fight his fellow soldiers.

He did say he’d be back…

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About Hollywood Slinky

The Hollywood Slinky has lived in Los Angeles, Chicago and Chattanooga. The Slinky attended film school at Columbia College in Chicago, is one of the creators and host of the film-centered podcast Lights Camera Cleveland and is currently a public relations specialist for a multi-million dollar corporation. Mostly, though, he just loves movies.

10 thoughts on “Schwarzenegger Eyes Return to Film

  1. I wonder if he’ll let his political career have any influence on the roles he chooses here on out. Will he try to do more serious stuff with some artistry and class, or will he do more balls to the wall type stuff without much care in the world? will be interesting to see what type of Ahnold we’ll be getting once he’s out of office.

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