Has Kick Ass 2’s Ass Been Kicked?

“Kick Ass” writer Jane Goldman told Absolute Radio that “Kick Ass 2” is currently not in the works. She cites busy schedules between her and Matt Vaughn (who’s currently helming “X-Men: First Clas”) and the desire to not proceed until things are absolutely perfect.

This is really sad for me. I loved “Kick Ass,” and think it’s probably one of the best superhero movies we’ve seen in the last few years. It’s a lot of fun, and really captures the wonder and awe of comic books that a lot of comic book movies seemed to have lost lately in the attempt at being hyper-real. Vaughn made this film to prove he could do a super hero movie, and it won him “First Class.” I hope he doesn’t forget how awesome it was as his success takes off. Anyone else disappointed by this news?

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