New Green Hornet Trailer Online

I was cautious about Seth Rogen as the Green Hornet, but seeing him slim right down for the role had me thinking he just might pull it off. Then I saw the first trailer and realized Rogen might be coming in a more economical size now, but he is sitll packing the same goofball wit.

The first trailer gave me mixed feelings as some of it looked pretty cool (costumes, the car, Kato fighting) but then it came down to the sprinkling of Rogen’s humour and the off putting repeato-tron special effects in the combat scenes. Blarg.

But another trailer has come out and I am still not impressed.

I think what it comes down to for me is that it just doesn’t feel like Green Hornet. I see some stuff in there that is very much Hornet (the real skills being with Kato and Hornet himself is just a guy with a big heart and a gun) but what I am not seeing is Reid really becoming the Hornet for a purpose outside of “this is fucking cool” and that irks me.

If they had made a goofball superhero wannabe comedy, and marketed it as a Rogen comedy film, it might have worked better. There are some funny moments in the trailer and I think there will be some laughs. But its not Green Hornet.

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