Live Avatar Role Playing

Remember when the Vatican Newspaper reviewed Avatar and they addressed concerns that Avatar would present an alternative to their beliefs and could threaten the faith?

Well this is what they were talking about:

I can’t tell if this is real stuff or staged for comedic effect. But I have known people who LARP – and as a hardcore dice and paper guy that I was they creeped me out sometimes – and even known people in the SCA (Medieval re-enactment) so as much as these people appear to be loons, I wont discredit that this could very well be their hobby. Could happen.

I just love the guy with the “Cool? This isn’t cool. We don’t do this because its cool, we do this because its important!”

I think that’s what McDonalds employees say to get out of bed in the morning.

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17 thoughts on “Live Avatar Role Playing

  1. That was funny shit. Did that guy yell “F*#k you SkyBitch!” during the archery practice? I have a new catch phrase me thinks.
    And hey Rodney, don’t hate on the McDonald’s folks. Not cool buddy. Your name is Rodney don’t forget.

  2. This video is too funny, I’m pretty sure I can see some people doing the whole LARP and create their own Nahvi clan in Florida. I’ve never done the whole LARP but at times I have found myself curious about it. I’ll just stick to video games for the time being.

  3. This is obviously for comedic effect. The stunt with the bow, etc. would not be in there if this wasn’t for parody’s sake. That’s not to say these people don’t LARP or have LARPing experience… but if anything, at a real LARPing event, things would be even weirder.

    I had some roomates in college who used to LARP. I was very, very concerned for them — I have no problem with weird hobbies (goodness knows I’ve done a few myself between MMOs and other games), but damn if LARPing didn’t consume *all* of their time. They may as well have been on crack.

    I basically spent an entire semester convincing one of them, a good friend of mine, to completely stop doing it, because he had just started it and quickly everything became about the next LARP event. Thankfully he did stop…

  4. Um… I just don’t know what to say.

    Disturbing comes to mind though. This has got to be a joke right?

    Maybe they could use some ex-marines, or whatever they were in the movie, to come an shake things up a little.

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