It’s Groundhog Day!

Hands down my favourite Bill Murray movie and a very appropriate mention today where in North America we all gather round the radios abandoning our faith in science and predictable weather patterns to throw faith into a rodent in the ground who will predict the end of Winter for us.

Groundhog Day.

If you have been living under a rock, maybe you missed this gem. It is a perfect film capturing charm and meaning without having to explain a thing. It just is.

Go watch it now.

FYI, Wiarton Willie, the (Southern Ontario) Canadian Prognosticator of Weather has seen his shadow and predicts a long winter. Bastard.

The Iconic Punxsutawney Phil of Pennsylvania has yet to cast his prediction.

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7 thoughts on “It’s Groundhog Day!

  1. I have many lists of fav movies, best while drunk, best on a sunday afternoon etc etc this is No 1 of my Most Re watchable flicks..There are so many jokes that you pick up each time you watch it. Granted 20 times later maybe not but a great flick none the less.

    Interesting side note.. Originally the movie was meant to start with him killing himslef over and over again but the studio felt the audienece would react badly without your start, middle and end formula..would have been interesting hey!

  2. Mine is Lost in Translation. By far his best work IMO.

    And as for Groundhog day its silly. Rodents ‘predictions’ have no impact on what the climate or weather does. Superstitions are ridiculous.

  3. It’s official: Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow. Growing up in Canada as I did, I would have welcomed the news that there was ONLY six more weeks of winter ahead!

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