Cinemaquette has released a very limited edition Christopher Reeve Superman Statue that will be available for pre-order in a month or so, and ships in late spring. You have always wanted a Two and a Half foot tall Superman statue right? Well crack that wallet open just a little wider… this is going to hurt.

Cinemaquette revealed the details for a brand new, 29″ in height, statue of Christopher Reeve donning his classic Superman garb and flying above a fortress of solitude influenced base. Though the price has not been announced, the rumor is that it will be in the $2000 price range.
Limited in production to 1,000 units worldwide.
The statue is “constructed of polyurethane composite with realistic silicon skin, the SUPERMAN Cinemaquette’s head is individually punched with real human hair.”
Now I could see the price being as much as the rumour suggests. With a limited run of only 1000 units, this is instantly going to become a rare item. $2000 is steep but not outrageous.
Its also a hefty pile of statue, at 29 inches it is a significant display piece.
But wait… did it say that the head is individually punched with real human hair? Ok…. that’s creepy.