Bill Murray joins Passion Play

Looks like Toby Kebbell will not be in Passion Play with Mickey Rourke and Megan Fox, instead will be Bill Murray.

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The movie takes place in 1950s Los Angeles and revolves around an angel (Fox) under the thumb of a ruthless gangster, who is saved by a trumpet player (Rourke) down on his luck.

“There is a love story there, it’s clearly not going to be a typical one,” Fox previously said of the story. “My character is basically a circus freak, she lives in a cage and she has wings. She’s not an angel, but she has these giant wings that grow out of her back. She’s a freak and she’s on display.”

I could just imagine that Megan Fox will look stunning with wings, and worth any mans treasure. I just hope she’s very shy and silent… you know, so she doesn’t ruin things.

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9 thoughts on “Bill Murray joins Passion Play

  1. I could just imagine that Megan Fox will look stunning with wings, and worth any mans treasure. I just hope she’s very shy and silent… you know, so she doesn’t ruin things.

    Haha so true. If she could have non speaking roles and don’t do much walking up and down then she would be fine. Lord knows she sucks at acting.

  2. So Bill Murray is the gangster in this?

    Brings back memories of Mad Dog and Glory (the only flick I really didn’t care for that had Bill in it)

    and I tried like 3 times to “like” it

  3. “I just hope she’s very shy and silent… you know, so she doesn’t ruin things.”

    Agreed. If she’s going to keep doing movies and wants to keep doing them, she needs to get use to being nothing more then just a pretty face.

    This movie sounds interesting and very cool. Plus I think it will be awesome to see Rourke and Murray in a film together.

    But I gotta say this sounds allot like it’s not much more then X-Men meets Sin City in a way. Fox is a freak with wings, ala X-Men. While Rourke, who I’m sure will play a big tough guy, falls in love with this pretty girl. They’re a very unlikely couple, but still fall for one another. While he has to keep her safe from the “ruthless gangster”. Very Sin City.

  4. I remember reading about how Bill Murray verbally attacked Lucy Lui on the set of Charlie’s Angels for being a bad actress – I can only imagine what he would have to say to the super hot (however lacking in acting talents) Megan Fox…

    1. LOL, I forgot about the whole Lucy Lui thing. This could be good. Maybe Bill Murray can finally get threw to Fox. ;P

      What ever happened to Lucy Lui, can’t remember seeing her in anything in a while. Maybe Murray’s words finally caught up to her.

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