Ian McKellen, Andy Serkis and Hugo Weaving All Confirmed For The Hobbit

When word first came out that they were going to be making “The Hobbit” movies (there are going to be two of them) speculation instantly started about who from the original Lord of the Rings movie would be back and who would not. That question hasn’t been completely answered yet… but part of it has.

According to a radio interview that director Guillermo del Toro recently did, Ian McKellen, Andy Serkis and Hugo Weaving are all going to be back to reprise their roles as Gandalf, Gollum and Elrond respectively. This is good news.

I would have been fine if they recast the roles, but all other things being equal it’s best to stick with what already works.

I’m very curious to see how the second film evoles. (source: Movie Web)

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45 thoughts on “Ian McKellen, Andy Serkis and Hugo Weaving All Confirmed For The Hobbit

    1. Yes, but the Hellboy movies are comic book films, way different then the Hobbits type of story telling, which is more on par with Pan’s Labyrinth.

      Check out his earlier works as well, The Devil’s Backbone, an amazing movie, and Mimic to name a couple. The man is a extremely versatile director and writer. And he’s proven more then once he knows how to tell a good story, coupled with amazing visuals.

      But, I’m also a fan of everyone of his films. >_<

  1. Great, and quite expected, news given Jackson’s track record with these actors.

    Thankfully the idea of a bridging movie between the Hobbit and LOTR has been dropped and both movies will stick to the Hobbit.

  2. First things first.
    If one really loves to be the first to comment, I think that’s wonderful. Now the challenge for you Chem, is to actually comment on something regarding to the post, like “Even Weaving’s back! That’s great, great news, best news of the day!!”

    So why don’t the “firsts” say stuff like that? That would be, in my book, cool. But if the “firsts” don’t say that, it makes them look like goofballs with nothing more to say.

    Oh, by the way, n case you missed it, even Hugo Weaving is back! That’s great, great news, the best news of the day!

    I’m not cool. That is.

  3. Not a surpise, but welcome news. What I really want to hear is who is going to Bilbo, or the dwarves. Or Smaug, who’ll probably be Ron Perlman. Haha.

  4. Is it common knowledge now that the second movie is in fact the second half of the first movie, ie, they’re splitting ‘The Hobbit’ over 2 movies?

    1. Hey Oliver,

      No. From what I understand the first movie will be the classic “The Hobbit” and the second movie will be a new creation that bridges the gap between The Hobbit and The Fellowship of the Ring

    2. John, I thought that they had given that up and that both films would indeed focus on The Hobbit. I would love to say i can back that up, but I did read it some time ago. It would just be a bit difficult to look it up.

    3. I don’t like the idea of doing a “whole new” movie after the Hobbit. I just don’t think they can find enough stuff to create to properly bridge the films without cutting into the lore and history of middle earth. Just seems like more milking of a beloved franchise.

    4. I remember reading somewhere that it was definitely going to be “The Hobbit” spread out over two movies, which an more in-depth look at what Gandalf was doing in Dul Guldor and the White Council and all that, since it affects the Trilogy so much.

    5. Hi John, yeah I checked the interview where I read it again and here’s what it says:

      “Empire: Have you decided what the second movie will be?
      Del Toro:
      We’ve decided to have The Hobbit span the two movies, including the White Council and the comings and goings of Gandalf and Dol Guldur. Specifically the two movies will comprise the book.”

      ..and then they go into a bit more detail. That’s from the latest Empire (Australian) I just hadn’t heard it anywhere else and wasn’t sure how widespread the news was.

    6. So the big question has just become will they make a third movie?! 2 for the book and one for the bridge? Oh my that would be some sweet fix!

    1. I seriously doubt that. It’d likely confuse some people.

      On top of that, Davies despised the makeup and was allergic to it. He vowed to never play a dwarf again. Haha.

  5. If they’re doing Gollum the same way as in LOTR I’m excited to see how much more awesome it will look now that we have better animation and effects.

  6. Fourteenth!!! Yay me. Hey mom, mom. Guess what? I am fourteenth.

    I am also quite curious to see what the second movie would be?
    Del Toros Eagles and Orcs should be stellar.

  7. why is it cool to post first??? Did i miss anything??

    Thats good news, Hugo Weaving is cool ;-) he did a good elrond :) and McKellen was great too

    Does anybody know who plays Bilbo Baggins?? Or are there no news to this?
    Are any actors in talks? any rumors? that would be interesting

    Or do you have any ideas?

    John who would you like to see as Bilbo??

  8. Great news, if i remember correctly there are no other characters that show up in both Hobbit and LOTR(with the excpetion of Bilbo of course). I don’t think actors should be replaced unless absolutley have to

    1. so does that make me 8th! dude thats like totally 420! woot….wait anyways i like the continuity of this thread and for the 3 actors in the movie.

    1. Guys lets just please avoid doing first things…. it really doesn’t matter here at the movie blog. Also don’t troll them, because it makes them stronger (they feed on hatred like the sith). John and Rodney are going to start banning/taking out firsts if you guys keep ruining it.

    2. @chembull
      Dude why exactly are you cool now? i dont get it…. uhm are you refreshing the main site every 2 seconds to wait for a new post? wow that is sooo cool… How dumb am I and I do useful things with my time but what you do is sooo much cooler…..

      *rolling eyes*

    3. It’s partially because first is not a comment. It has no value. It is simply a declaration made to appear like they have won some sort of race.

      For people at themovieblog. Which has always been a sort of community, it is annoying to have people who are not about the contribution to the group.

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