My Favourite SciFi Film: Star Wars Vs Star Trek

There seems to be a disturbance in the Force. Long time Star Wars fans became enbittered when the prequels came out, but clearly that set of movies was intended to draw in a whole new audience. And now with the bittersweet relase of Star Trek reminds us that if approached differently the Star Wars franchise could have been SO much better.

Which leads me to this video. It describes the author’s Favourte Sci Fi film of all time.


Now I didn’t post that to try and bash the comparisons that are always brought up when comparing Star Trek to Star Wars. I am firmly a Star Wars fan, but would like to see my April Fools joke come to life and do what the new Trek film did with the Star Wars franchise. They don’t have to “remake” it, but step into the future of the Star Wars timeline and do a movie based on the Legacy Comics. And George can’t direct.

I still love my Star Wars, and now I am loving Trek too.

This is also an illustration that with the right creative wording you can take anything that is vaguely similar and make them sound exactly the same. Still fun though.


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57 thoughts on “My Favourite SciFi Film: Star Wars Vs Star Trek

  1. Has the American public’s taste in entertainment reached a new low? Am I really expected to accept this prevailing view that the new STAR TREK movie is better than the STAR WARS Prequel Trilogy? Are you fucking kidding me?

    The Prequel Trilogy is a masterpiece, just like the Original Trilogy.

    The new STAR TREK movie is not only a piece of crap, it is the most badly written movie I have come across this summer. It was shit, pure and simple.

  2. they each play on jungian archetypes that have been around for thousands of years. ie the old man who leads the hero to his destiny. or the unlikely hero who is reluctant to fulfill his duty.

    plus both movies take place in space. so its not really that hard to draw parallels between them.

  3. Empire
    New Hope
    Star Trek (2009)
    ST IV
    ST II
    First Contact
    ST VI
    Galaxy Quest
    other ST movies

  4. you know the saying, the bigger they are… so yes, expectations warrant all the hate for Sith, and the prequels in general.

    KOTOR movie would be amazing if it used the story, characters and designs already used in the game and if Lucas wasn’t involved. but there is a 25,000 year history for the Old Republic and with that comes countless points in time that could easily be more interesting than the era which the movies take place in. i wish the star wars novels would pick some unexplored era also.

    1. CRYSTAL SKULL was ten times better than this new STAR TREK movie. Come to think of it, it was better than LAST CRUSADE. At least as far as I’m concerned.

  5. Wow – I cannot believe what I am reading … every rumour, interview, article we have seen or heard in the 20 years or so before Sith holds true regarding the death of Anakin/birth of Vader.

    Is it really that easy for all of you to hate on Sith that much. I am by no means saying it was flawless, but people – really – an umitigated disaster?

    1. A big let down for sure. It had it’s moments but I would have to overlook way too much to call it a successful effort. It just insulted my intelligence a few too many times.
      So much less than what it could have/should have been.

  6. Honestly, my favorite prequel was Attack of the Clones. Sorry, but I love that movie (despite the flaws) to death.

    The third one…no. Absolutely not. The Padme death scene was atrocious.

    The first one I can pretty much take or leave, I really don’t ever watch it so it doesn’t bother me much. The third one though…*shudders*

  7. They need to make a “Knights of the Old Republic” movie. Lucas CANNOT direct!! He has to sit in a chair and keep his goddamn mouth shut. Get a great cast..and keep the twist at the end the same….It would be fucking sweet if they could pull it off. It could quite possibly wash the stain of the prequels away.

    1. One more thing…Since KOTR1 is set so far in the past of the original trilogy (like 4,000 yrs) they could go ANYWHERE with the stories…Think about it!! And fuck George Lucas..

  8. “And George can’t direct”

    Don’t kid yourself Rodney, he’s not allowed to write either! I don’t think I need to type a tome of a post about fat-neck and his continuity errors.

    1. He can write just fine, the whole idea was his, and the whole story is his. He just needs a screenplay and director to guide his vision.

      There were no continuity errors.

    2. I had a dream a few weeks back where it was a time before the prequels. Lucas had written the general story arc then handed the story to Kevin Smith to write the scripts. James Cameron was to direct.

      I almost cried when I woke up and realised it wasn’t real.

  9. Star Trek 2009 is what the prequels should have been. Star Trek 2009 had more of the original star wars spirit then the prequels did,

    The prequels don’t even feel like they belong in the same universe as the originals.

    The new trek is better than all three prequels.

    I will always love original star wars . They are my favorites but in just one film the new trek laid waste to menace, clones and sith.

    1. I whole heartedly disagree … Menace was bad, sure. We all wanted to pull the guts out of Jar-Jar – – no doubt. But all should be forgiven with the last hour or so of Sith. That was the gut-punch, hair-standing-up-on-the-back-of-your-neck end/beginning we were all waiting for … We not only saw the birth of Luke & Leia, but we saw the birth of Darth Vader as we know him … and IMO, Lucas delivered on that one.

      The new Star Trek is really good – and I am a fan of the original series, the next generation and I have seen every star trek movie. That said – new trek does not compare with the last hour of Menace. I mean – not even close.

    2. The last hour of Sith put the final nail in the coffin. The very notion of Anakin turning against Obi wan based on a dream sequence is stupid, let alone the fact that he then strangles Padme and negates his entire supposed purpose (and the plot)is enough to begin with…but the scene where he finally stands up in his new duds…ugh. Painful…what high school drama set was that shot on? Or was your favorite part when Obi Wan had a supposed insurmountable advantage because we was standing 24″ higher than Aanakin during their fight? Really?

      The entire prequel trilogy was an unmitigated disaster, including and especially the last hour of Sith.

  10. Star Wars opened possibilites for use of special effects for movies to come.

    Star Trek, a pretty good sci-fi action film, felt like if Lucas had let someone else direct the prequels and used the same CGI effects.

    1. agree too. although i still consider the original star wars trilogy a series of popcorn movies. There’s not a whole lot of thought provoking sci fi stuff. Sure there’s the philosophy of the jedi and the force but to me star was has always been more of a space fantasy while star trek more of a thought provoking sci fi in space franchise (excluding this new reboot movie of course).

  11. As for hotter guys (Just saying I am a man and a heterosexual sp?), but when Star Wars first came out, Mark Hamil was a bit of a sex symbol, just sayin’.

  12. One post said fatigue was an issue with Star Wars. I would agree – there is a lot going on with the Prequels. The new Star Trek film has breathed life into the franchise and its fans …. you better believe we are awake now!

    That said, the amount of sheer excitement that could be generated with a new film set 20-30 years after Jedi, and staring the ORIGINAL CAST … I think we would see box office records smashed. Get one of the stories already out there in books or comics – and give it to Frank Darabont, Peter Jackson, Guillermo del Toro or Alfonso Curan to write and direct a trilogy.

    Makes me drool at the mere thought…

    1. “you better believe we are awake now!”

      problem is that now u are gonna have 75% of new star trek fans saying how they are trrekkies…..well there not at all….which suks for the die hard trekies imo…now i love whjat rodney was saying about april fools day joke….i would love to see anakin jr and the twins story ….maybe a han solo/lea/luke cameo….or admiral thrawn…but that is another chapter kik

    2. I would prefer they leave the Novel Eras alone. Just WAY TOO much stuff there to not do right on screen. Storylines that took 15 novels to play out just wouldnt make for a good movie.

      Jump ahead to Legacy. Just like Star Trek. Clean slate!

  13. For older films I’d go with either the original DTESS (Day the Earth Stood Still) or “This Island Earth” or “Forbidden Planet”. They really did an awesome job at capturing your imagination. One other, the original “Invaders from Mars”! Priceless 50’s paranoia….oops, and the original “Invasion of the Body Snatchers”!
    For the 70’s and beyond, Star Wars hands down the best ‘Space Opera’.

    1. as a star wars fan i comeback with another question

      every fucking horrible tv show and all the original movies (take all there best parts) or star wars episode IV

      now i will pick episode IV

      but alas the answer your question i would pick star trek cause the last 3 star wars films make me want to forget i ever was a fan of star wars….first every one sucked bad at acting in them and plus no one wanted a fucking prequel

  14. Star Wars’ future can be summed up in 4 words: ‘George Lucas is nuts.’

    The new Star Trek was better than the last three Star Wars prequels, IMHO…and I grew up on Star Wars.

  15. That is hilarious. There definitly needs to be at least a couple more star wars films. Lucas can write and some one else can direct, actually he doens’t need to write anything. There are so many other stories out there that they can use. They could go a thousand years into the past or future, hell they should just adapt shadows of the empire from the novels and empires end 1 and 2 from the comics. naaaaaa, I’m over it.

    1. Actually, going back to Old English “FAVOURITE” is the correct way of spelling it. We Americans have dumbed down our own language. Rodney’s got it spelled correctly…at least in the OLD English.

    1. I don’t think it needs a reboot, it just needs to stop dwelling in the prequal era and maybe move onto post Return of the Jedi where they still have free will to tell any story they want rather than stay restricted by predetermined story ends.

  16. For a while I thought it would be great if they made a new “Star Wars” but took it in a new direction. The more I think about it though, the more I think of how utterly pointless it would be, for me personally. I don’t think I would find “Star Wars” all that impressive if I watched it for the first time now adays, my admiration comes from the nostalgia of this fantastic space movie I saw when I was a child, not some mediocre space movie I saw when I was 20 (Lucas claims he tried to write it for 8 to 9 year olds. Personally, I think he succeeded). The new release of “Star Trek” makes me realize even more how pointless it would be, yes “Star Trek” was good, cool, fun entertainment (unlike “Wolverine”… Ugggh). Overall I wasn’t completely floored by “Trek” but it was funny, fresh, and the effects were pretty top notch. I’ve been hearing a lot of people saying “make a new “Star Wars” but make it like that”, to which I say “why”? What would be the point of making a hip, cool, funny “Star Wars”, A, when the series is anything but that, and B, there is already a hip, cool, funny space opera called “Star Trek”? Would it really be that much more amazing if they gave us the new “Star Trek” movie, but with our favorite “Star Wars” characters instead? I really don’t think so, I’m ready to just remember “Star Wars” for what it was, either that magical series you were lucky enough to experience as a kid, or that mediocre one you were unlucky enough to experience only later in life. I don’t need “Star Wars” anymore, and I definately don’t need a “Star Trek” lookalike with Wampas and Stormtroopers either.

  17. One problem i’ve had lately with star wars is fatigue. I love star wars but with all the prequels and now the clone wars cartoons i just feel tired of it. I dont get the same feeling with the original 3 movies, its just the latest stuff. It just feels like im getting the same story thrown at me over and over. Perhaps it’s because it’s all prequel material so i’ll always know the ultimate ending to it all. Just think star wars needs to be taken somewhere where the audience wont know what’s coming.

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