Gemma Arterton joins Clash of the Titans

Gemma Arterton first caught my eye in St Trinians. Since then she has been quietly securing semi-iconic roles for herself starting with a Bond Girl, an Arabian princess in Prince of Persia, and now the demi-goddess Io in Clash of the Titans.

MovieWeb shares:

Arterton will take the role of the demi-goddess Io. “My part is… the coolest part,” she said. “Io’s not in the original film. Perseus falls in love with her and then [CENSORED FOR TINY SPOILER]. It’s a really great part.”

Arterton also said that in contrast to the 1981 original Harry Hamlin film, this one is “much more about Perseus’ mission, and how he deals with being the son of Zeus.”

Arterton has a very alluring presence, and I suspect these roles are not the last we will see of her.

I do like that this remake is not going to be a direct retelling, but still stay to the Greek Myths revolving around Perseus – Son of the King of Gods. I just hope we get to see those symbolic exchanges where the gods play with clay figures to manipulate fate, and we get to see Perseus fight Medeusa.

Oh, and a clockwork mechanical owl would be fun too. Just for old time’s sake.

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7 thoughts on “Gemma Arterton joins Clash of the Titans

  1. I love this movie as a kid. I watched it in HD a few years back and fell asleep. But yeah, back in 1981, when I was 6 or 7 years old, this was intense. Medusa and Calibos scared the bejeezus out of me.

  2. Clash was good cheese as a kid, and while most of the Harryhausen FX are indeed dated today, that Medusa still comes off rather nicely. And yes, Rodney, Bobo The Owl needs at least a cameo.

    I wonder if they will still use The Kraken, or go with the mythos of Cetus.

  3. I loved the original Clash of the Titans, I’m surprised it took this long to remake, I mean, it’s perfect for a remake, the original was a long time ago, the special effects were great for it’s time, but did not age well, and it’s a great story.

  4. I loved Clash of the Titans as a kid and am kinda looking forward to a remake but with the worry that it may become a bit of a CGI fest with regards to the monsters and creatures, i just love me some good old fashioned Harryhausen stop motion which i know we wont see at all but some practical effects would be nice rather than full on CGI.

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