Robert Downey Jr says Avengers Will Suck if They Dont Get it Right

When Robert Downey Jr offers comments off the cuff, they flow like golden manna from heaven that geeks just live a lifetime to hear. An actor saying what we are all thinking. Seems Robert Downey Jr has offered up a gem of an observation about how critical it is to get the Avengers film “right”

MTVMovies Blog quotes:

“If we don’t get it right it’s really, really going to suck,” said Downey. “It has to be the crowning blow of Marvel’s best and brightest because it’s the hardest thing to get right. It’s tough to spin all the plates for one of these characters.”

I have said it before and I will say it again. Using A-List actors and writers on comic book movies is like finally treating a teenager like an adult. You treat them like an adult, and they will act like an adult.

For too long have Superhero films been discarded as secondary or fluff action films. Treat them like serious films, and you know what you get? A serious film.

RDJ hit it on the head. The job is a massive undertaking, and when casting the remaining Avengers for their films you have to consider how well they will work in the Avengers film. You can’t just cast some professional wrestler as Thor, or some CW pretty boy as Captain America. Because when time comes for the Avengers film, we are going to have them pairing up alongside Robert Downey Jr.

The example I always use in this kind of scenario is Street Fighter. The movie was horrible for a multitude of reasons but they cast Jean Claude Van Damme as Guile and everyone else were just no-name d-listers (at the time JCVD was A list for campy action) and the movie turned into a Jean Claude Van Damme movie instead of the Street Fighter movie.

I hope we get a pure ensemble that embodies Avengers, and not the Robert Downey Jr flick called Avengers.

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