The Ongoing Terrance Howard Blame Game

There’s an interview today over at MTV that has one of the writer’s of Iron Man shedding some light on the ongoing War Machine drama. In the interview Justin Theroux quells rumors that Jim “Rhodey” Rhodes has his profile scaled down in the next film. This news clears up the assumption that Howard had a lesser role to play in the film, than the previous Iron Man.

If you have interest in reading the interview for yourself please check it out here.

I am sure something that somewhat resembles the truth will surface eventually regarding this matter; but for now the scrying glass is cloudy.

Regardless of the reasons for his departure I personally consider the loss of Howard to be a big blunder on Marvel’s part. This shouldn’t have happened.

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9 thoughts on “The Ongoing Terrance Howard Blame Game

  1. hey there.

    Could someone please tell me if I’m missing something or are the broadcasts just not happening anymore? I know Doug had problems but I haven’t found anything since and archives list the last show as a few weeks ago. I only ask from a place of love but can you tell me what is happening? Love the show and miss my doug fix.

  2. ya i agree…they shouldnt have messed with the continuity of the the actors….that always bums people out… im not one of the person to say any of these 2 are better actors cause i believe they are both equal all around….but to know the movie will pretty much get close to a box office record should be enough to keep him IMO.

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