Love and Savagery Confused with Porno

I do love being a Canadian. Not only do I get to laugh at people who think we talk like Bob and Doug McKenzie but I also get to have a good laugh from stories like this one.

It would appear that our own border cops went above and beyond to stop Porn from being developed in our country.

Cinematical pointed out:

A new Canadian film from John N. Smith (Dangerous Minds) was held at the border because of its name: Love and Savagery. The romantic drama headed to Ireland last month to shoot some scenes, and then the footage was shipped to Montreal for processing, where it was stopped by the border patrol. Smith says: “There was a big kerfuffle and they suspected us of being involved in the pornography trade. They were insisting they were going to send it off to the RCMP lab to develop it to see if we were engaged in pornography.” This created a bit of a panic as they worried about the potential damage RCMP processing would have on the footage.

So a couple of observations I will make here being a proud and true Canadian.

According to Canadians, Love and Savagery is a likely name for a porno. But then Spaceballs might have been too. Just sayin.

Smith uses the term “kerfuffle” like it is slang and you thought so too. Its a real word. Look it up.

And lastly, only in Canada would our Federal agents have their very own film processessing division. Just for just such an occassion! Unfortunately among film producers, it is well known to be inferior to REAL film processing organizations.

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