3 Minutes of Speed Racer Online

There is a segment of 3 minutes of Speed Racer available online, despite the early assumptions that this is a Willy Wonka version of 2Fast 2Furious with silly string in a blender playing Grand Turismo 3 while weaing glasses made out of LSD Laced Gummi Bears (thanks Aaron Williams) I think this will be a great eyecandy flick that I will have to buy for my kids. (and watch repeatedly in HD)

So does this meet your expectations already set, or does it make it better or worse?

via /Film

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35 thoughts on “3 Minutes of Speed Racer Online

  1. I don’t know why everyone says it’s crap. I loved it… It completely amazed me… I was thinking it was gonna be a half@$$ed movie that was just a big waste of time and money. I thought it would be on the same level of crappiness as like… My Gym Partner’s A Monkey, or some other new cartoon that disgusts me with it’s mindless babble….
    But no….

    No no no no NOOOO my dear friends… IT WAS SPECTACULAR!

    On the same level as Boondock Saints, Rocky Horror Picture Show, The Iron Giant, Idiocracy and every other EPIC movie (granted they are all awesome in their own unique categories )

    I. Love. It.

  2. @ Leah You said “Overall, Speed Racer had a nice opening night, and it seems to be having a great run.”

    Speed Racer was met with HORRIBLE reviews, and was third at the boxoffice in its opening weekend. Worse, it was behind a poorly anticipated romantic comedy.

    I dont know what movie you are talking about but this is setting the example of the OPPOSITE of a “great run”

    I don’t know what part of the screenplay amazed you since all of the dialogue was cheesy, and the story was weak. It was eyecandy for the kiddies and unfortunately they are the only ones who seem to be appreciating this film.

  3. This clip is a horrible misconseption of the movie. They didn’t include any of the amazing graphics, the better dialogue, or anything else that would make this seem like a more amazing movie.

    I saw this movie opening night and the screenplay amazed me. As a screenwriter myself, I truly recommend this movie as a treat for the eyes. Sure, it gets a little cheesy sometimes, but its Speed Racer, what else can you expect?

    Overall, Speed Racer had a nice opening night, and it seems to be having a great run. I really recommend this movie for anyone wanting to get in touch with their inner child… or anyone who was a fan of Speed Racer back in its cartoon days.

  4. they have yet to show anything that’ll make me see this movie and i don’t even have a problem with kid movies. i know there’s ppl who are excited about it but all i can say is that i can smell the crap all the way from PR

  5. Unbelievable that posters on this thread praise Transformers and then criticize this clip for it’s bad dialog. Transformers set a new standard in ridiculous dialog.

    Unfortunately I think too many commenters, lead by John’s prejudging of a product they haven’t yet seen, have taken a stand that they hate this movie before even giving it a chance. I have a feeling this will be like Cloverfield, where we got advance negative declarations, then a reluctant positive review and then lots of hand ringing and disclaimers about how they liked it but they still dislike it, all because they have to defend they’re preconceived notions and public statements denouncing the film before it had been screened.

    It could well suck, but just as easily be a joyful piece of popular entertainment, and could just possibly be another transformative moment for filmmaking process and technology.

    I wont judge until I’ve seen the film.

  6. Ugh, I have a bad feeling about this. I think they should have just cut most of the cheese off of this picture. Wachowskis are good at cool (or whatever you want to call that element…je ne sais pas); but apparently they were aiming for the 3 year old and younger crowd. Just hearing that kid yelling in joy (in the clip) gave me flashbacks to Lucas’ dive into the abyss of the uber cheese via Phantom Menace. Someone pass me a whiskey on the rocks.

    PS – All directors and writers. No more annoying kids going ‘yaaaaaaaaah!’ or ‘weeeeeee!’. Stop the torture. Make them say “F#ck Yeah!” at least.

  7. Pros

    70ish music
    cars and racing action looks nice


    Wooden blue screen acting
    lame annoying kid (might even top Jake Lloyd in PM)
    too many colors

    Might see it on dvd for the racing action

  8. Someone told me that this film was NOT being screened for critics… IF that is true, we all know that is the kiss of death…

  9. I can appreciate some of the points being made about this movie. The problem I think is that it doesn’t appeal to anyone that hasn’t seen the original show.

    This looks really bad.

  10. Most people who commented on this say some dumb things, there shouldn’t be any standard for a film and people are just looking for ways to put it down as there is some pre conceived notion that it has to be something like the first matrix. What i see of the film so far,i suspect its meant to have cheesy dialogue and dramatic soap opera acting, has anyone actually watched the original cartoon? there staying true to its roots for a reason because it makes it fun and you know not to take it to seriously like most blockbusters do. i reckon the film will “tank” as to me it doesn’t seem to really have an audience, car enthusiasts arent going to be interested as its all fantasy and your average adult would look down on it as if it were a piece of animation. comparing this to last years transformers and spiderman is just plain dumb and those film especially shouldn’t be seen as standards. im pumped for it and it looks like something new, we go to the movies to be entertained right? if right away we know its campy as hell and over the top then we should just sit back and let the movie roll.

  11. I do have the upmost respect for the Wacoskis for making a film like this if they make it succeed as most of the reviews suggest they are pure genius. I am hoping for a cheesy visual feast just like the cartoon.

  12. I have seen a lot of early reviews from various sites for this film and every single one says that it has held good on to its roots and is a techincal achievement. A lot of the reviews also says that its is a stunning work of art. I dont think a lot of posters on this site even visit other sites. e.g IGN.com for a review

  13. I have seen a lot of early reviews from various sites for this film and every single one says that it has held good on to its roots and is a techincal achievement. A lot of the reviews also says that its is a stunning work of art. I dont think a lot of posters on this site even visit other sites. e.e IGN.com for a review

  14. The CGI looked terrible, it was much too obvious.

    Dialog was awful.

    This is just going to suck so big time.

    However, I also think this movie could be so BAD (Ed Wood meets Nascar), that it will be Great.

  15. visually pretty with cheeseball dialogue &/or wooden acting. i see this being the first big one to tank during blockbuster season. then it finding a bit of popularity with the under-10’s & clueless set on dvd. no way is this gonna knock Iron Man out of the top spot this weekend. Yahoo is reporting that Tony Stark & Co are already getting second & third viewings by people on a global scale not seen since Spider-Man 1.

  16. I think this movie will go down in history as just another failed attempt to turn a cartoon into live action. Cite Transformers all you want as somehow the new standard, but it won’t work. In an industry where there are 10 Garfields for every Autobot, it’s a safe bet to steer clear of this mess and just another mis-guided Rocky & Bullwinkle.

    But thank Zod we have the little kid in there to fill the mandatory Short Round quotient. I knew something was missing from the trailers.

  17. Well its clear that some don’t get this movie. Nascar fans if your looking for official race guidelines don’t bother.
    (This is a fantasy cartoon / film). Doah.
    And you might not see anyone dying however you will see cars blowing up spectacularly so draw your own conclusions.

    Iron Man will (deffinitly) impact Speeds opening weekend but (IMO) this film will be huge and will slowly win over adults. (Prob not Nascar fans) but I can guarantee you “Hot Wheel fans” will be there.

    As a fan of the original cartoon I’m really diggin the look and the dialog. This film will easyly bring in around 80 mil next weekend. Would have made 100 if not for Iron Man.

  18. I, for one, say that in that 3 min. segments, I saw that this movie will probably not be good. In the beginning it did seem pretty good. Then the race came. This movie is probably is not good, in fact, it will suck. I say this now. Iron Man is this year’s Transformers, Indy 4 will be this year’s Spider-Man 3 (meaning it’s the most anticipated film of the year, I just wanted to point that out cuz I know that John hated Spidey 3), and Speed Racer is gonna be this year’s Rockey and Bullwinkle.

  19. Yep, this movies 100% kids favorite movie and adults worst nightmare. But im sure no self respecting Nascar fan would like this movie. What the hell is with all the drifting? Is the track made of ice? Also why would any anbody be letting a kid drive with his eyes closed and on such a dangerous track? That may seem cool to the young ones but for adults its un-thinkable. Also the dialoge is just as bad as spider-man 3 all the actors delievers sound dry as a dessert. Oh and why the hell is Speed Racer using his boost jump just to avoid being tail gated? I thought the Mock 5 was the fastest race car in the world ? Not to mention hurray !!! A movie where no one dies in a race! Even the bad guys! Good moral fiber! Cant Indiana Jones be released earlier so everyone can avoid this garbage of a movie. The only thing I will say thats good about the film is the music, has that retro touch I think thats cool. But wait the costumes are 50s retro too ? What the hell!

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